Android Architecture, Architecture for Android

Android Architecture, Architecture for Android

Android is like a software stack for the mobiles device that contains middleware, key applications and operating system.

You can see the major components in the following diagram for the operating system of Android:

Android Architecture
Android Architecture

Following are the Base layers for Android:

Applications -: All most all applications are developed in Java and running in Dalvik. The The Basic application contain a SMS program, email client, calendar etc. Not application developed by you located on this layer. This applications layer executes on the run time of Android, with the help of class and service made present from the framework of application.

Application Framework: The software engineers have full permission for same APIs framework used by the base applications. Architecture is design to arrange the re usability of components.

Libraries → Almost libraries are developed in C, C++ used by the multiple components under Android system. This layer contains the following base points:

  1. Surface Manager → This manage the access to show the subsystem and composites the 3D and 2D graphic layer from the several applications.
  2. Media Libraries → It support the recording and playback of multiple popular video and audio format.
  3. Free Type → It support the vector and bitmap for rendering the font.
  4. SQLite → It is really light weight and powerful relational database engine that is present for all types of application.

Run Time Android → Android contains the set of base library which provides most of the present feature under the library of Java Language base.

Core Libraries : Core Java Libraries as well as Android specific libraries both are contains the core Android libraries functionality.

Dalvik Virtual Machine → It a type of Virtual Machine which is register base that has been optimize to confirm that a device can execute the several instance efficiently. It trust on Linux kernal low level memory management and threading.

Linux Kernel: Kernel is the main base of Android. This layer includes all type of low lever devices driver for the multiple hardware component of an device of Android. Core service (Containing process and memory management, hardware drivers, network, security etc.), Generally these are handled in Linux 2.6 kernel. The Kernel also gives an abstraction layers between the remainder of the stack and hardware.

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