Different methods to locate UI Elements Object Recognize Methods, Functions to locate Web Element

Different methods to locate UI Elements or Object Recognize Methods, Functions to locate Web Element

To locates the UI Elements or Web Elements or to identifies the object , there are various functions or methods to use which are as given below:-

  • By ID
  • By Tag Name
  • By Class Name
  • By Name
  • By Link Text
  • By XPATH
  • By Partial Link Text

By ID:

This is most used and efficient method to locate the element. All elements have its id unique always.

We can explain and understand it with the following good example, Assume that we required to find and locate the Google search box. Use firebug option of Mozilla Firefox with which we can easily locate the element of the HTML format. Following screen will help you very much:

Different methods to locate UI Elements
Different methods to locate UI Elements

< td id = “gs_tti0” class = “gsib_a”>

id of Search box of Google is gs_tti0

Now using ID, how can find the element:

WebElement element=driver.findElement(By.id(“gs_tti0”));

By Tag Name:

Using fire bug tag name can be find

Google example will be best for it, Assume that you have to find and locate the 'Google Search' button of Google through tag name. Use fire bug option of the Firefox Mozila which can help you to locate the element in HTML format easily. Following screen will help you properly:

Different methods to locate Object Recognize Methods
Different methods to locate Object Recognize Methods

<input type = “submit” onclick = “this.checked = 1” name = “btnk” value = “Google Search”/>

Google Search Tag Name, Google button is input here.

Now Examples for How to find and element with the help of Tag Name.

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.tagName(“input”));

By Class Name:

Multiple element can be there which are connected with the same name of class so searching the several element becomes the more practical options over the searching the first element.

How element can be found, Following example will help out:

<div class = “tsf-p” style = “position : relative”>

Here tsf – p is class name.

List <WebElement> element = driver.findElements(By.className(“tsf-p”))
Always remember that the method FindElements instead of FindElement to find several elements.

By Link Text:

With the help of By Link Text method of class 'By' we can search the link element with the matching text which is visible.

Let us execute the example of Google, Assume that we want to search or locate the 'Advertising Programs' link of Google through the Text Link.

Now following example for find the element link with the help of LinkText :-

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.link Text(“Advertising Program”));

By Name:

With the help of By Name function of the class “By” we can find the link element through name attribute of element.

Following is the example of how to find the element which will look like the following:

<input type = “submit” onclick = “this.checked = 1” name = “btnk” value = “Google Search”>

Here “btnk” is the name.

List <WebElement> element = driver.findElements(By.name(“btnk”))

By Partial Link Text:

With the help of “ByPartialLinkText” function of class “By” we can search the link element with the partial or the matching visible text.

Let us take the examples of Google, Assume we like to search and locate the 'advertising programs' link of the Google through this ByPartialLinkText , this can be done with the following:



It is a type of locator, Xpath. Its a unique address to identify of each and every element. WebDriver use browser native XPath possible capability. To search the Xpath of any elements use firebug and the fire path ad ons on the Firefox Mozila.

Google Example will be best, Assume that you have to search and locate the search box of Google through Xpath. Using fire bug option of Mozila Firefox with which we can easily locate the elements in the HTML format and copy the Xpath from the xpath bar of the fire path tab. Following screen will help you lot:

Functions to locate Web Element
Functions to locate Web Element

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='gs_tti0']"));

Note: Don’t copy the dot from xpath bar.

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