Selenium Configuration with RC Eclipse Plug in

Selenium Configuration with RC Eclipse Plug in, real world live scenario example on selenium automation tool for software testing

1. Lets download Selenium RC server / client drivers and configured that to Eclipse after installation of IDE.
2. Need to Download Selenium server from:
3. Downloaded Selenium Client driver should be for Java (from Selenium options Client Drivers section)
4. Create “Selenium” folder in C: drive anywhere and copy paste the Selenium-server.jar as well as unzip or extract from .rar file the Selenium Client driver under (C:Selenium)
5. Now downloading and extracting from .rar the files into a specific required folder is done.  We need to installation the proper Selenium Client driver Jar file to the Eclipse.
a) Now Go to Eclipse.

–> Click on File

>  Go to on New

>  Project (from various options need to select just “project”)
b) In Select Wizard

   –> Click Java

  –> “Java Project” (refer following screenshot)

Selenium RC Server Installation
Selenium RC Server Installation


c) Give the project name (i.e. FirstSeleniumProject)
d) Click on Finish – Then Click the Yes

6. Now we are completed with the configuration of project and need to installed the Selenium Client drivers for this Project
a) Right Click “FirstSeleniumProject” projectb) 

Selenium RC Server Configuration
Selenium RC Server Configuration


b. Now Click on “Java Build Path”
c) Click to Libraries tab
d) Click on “Add External JARs” button
e) Now Select “Selenium Client Drivers” extracted in C:Selenium folder (Selenium Server JAR file should never added)
f) Now Click OK button
g) Referenced libraries –> contains both the Selenium Client driver jar files as shown in the below screenshot.

configuration of Selenium with Eclipse
configuration of Selenium with Eclipse



So far, we have done the configuration of Selenium with Eclipse.

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