Techniques used in Software Testing

  1. Benchmark Testing: Testing team conducted this type of testing. This testing has been performed to confirm the performance of software and hardware on provided configuration..
  2. Beta Testing: This is the final testing and performed at the end of all process or testing. This is also called the Acceptance Testing. This testing has been done by the client \customer on production directly.
  3. Backward Compatibility Testing: In this testing tester will verify the behavior of the newly developed application version with available old application version. This testing has been done or performed by the Test Team Engineers.
  4. Basis Path Testing: This testing system develops a reasonable complexity calculation of a procedural plan and uses this as a channel for defining an essential set of implementation paths. While defining the test cases, test engineers performed this type of testing.
  5. Automated Testing: This testing use the automation tool to test the software application or we can say that using automation tools in testing is called automation testing. This testing performed by the testing tool on computer, Script used in automation tool is created by the automation testing team.
  6. All – Pair Testing: It is the combination testing. The combination of all the possible pairs of test cases. Testing team performed this testing.
  7. API Testing: This testing technique is similar to unit testing but not the unit testing, it targets the code level. So typically this testing has been done by the QA Team instead of developers.
  8. Assertion Testing: This testing technique confirms the conditions on the base of client requirement. Testing team perform this testing.
  9. Alpha Testing: This testing is the final testing done by the Testing team, after this testing product has been delivered to client. This testing conducted by the Software testing Team.
  10. Ad-hoc Testing: This testing doesn’t require any type of documentation or planning – The tester has only a target how the functionality can break. This testing conducted by the Software Testing Team.
  11. Age Testing: This testing verifies the system’s ability performance for future. This testing is performed by the Testing team.
  12.  Agile Testing: This software testing practice follows the agile elements which can utilize the system. QA Teams performed such type of testing.
  13. Active Testing: This testing first introduce the test data and then analyze the execution results. This testing performed by the testing team.
  14. Accessibility Testing: This testing test the usability and accessibility of application to the customer having disabilities.
  15. Acceptance Testing: It’s a formal testing which verifies the system has been developed properly according to acceptance criteria. Customer performed this testing.
techniques used in software testing, agile testing, active testing, acceptance testing, accessibility testing, age testing, assertion testing, API Testing, all pair testing, basis path testing, benchmark testing

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