Why Men’s Body is Continuously Going Weak Helpless and Unhealthy

Increasing Diseases
In this modern age everyone is running after the money, with that the increasing competition don’t let them take rest for a while. This makes them sick and ill; this illness grows weakness in their body and makes them helpless. But do you think it is necessary? No, of course not, yes money is important, work is important and thinking about family is also important but the most important thing is to think about own self and about own health. Because if you are fit healthy and well, only then you can do other important things in your life and this can be done only when you starts thinking about yourself. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Ways to Have a  Good General Healthy Body ... 
Why Men’s Body is Continuously Going Weak Helpless and Unhealthy
Why Men’s Body is Continuously Going Weak Helpless and Unhealthy
Don’t turn Yourself into a Machine :
If you work continuously or found yourself a machine than many diseases like cough, stomach pain, constipation, fever, headache, cold and gastric problem will attack you easily. Not just these simple disease but other such dangerous disease  like insomnia, depression, cancer, blood pressure, heart problems, kidney problem and eye problem will definitely attacks you.

The Right Decision to Stay Healthy and Fit :
To treat these diseases you will start follows some expensive medicine which ruins your pocket, in such a situation you found yourself ill with no money left in your money so what is the benefit of making yourself from human to machine, once think about it and take a right decision. But now the question is what the right decision is? The right decision is to do work with a schedule, do exercise yoga pranayama daily, eat well and healthy, give some time to think, give yourself some time to rest, give some time to meditate and give yourself time for complete rest only then you will capable to prevent disease. CLICK HERE TO KNOW What is the Need of Fasting and What are its Health Benefits ... 
Increasing Diseases in Human
Increasing Diseases in Human
Effect of Careless Nature towards Soul :
Our body is a gift of god to us and we are completely careless about it, we knows it can work on food but what about soul ( the main energy of our body )? Can you work with unhealthy soul? Can you get benefited with that in which your soul was excluded? No, so don’t do this with your body and soul, think about them, think about yourself, keep the diseases away.  One more thing to remember is that if you feel  low or negative, then you transfers that energy to your family, to your partner as well in the environment as well, which disturbs your life and your surrounding environment also.  
Do not Turn Yourself into a Machine
Do not Turn Yourself into a Machine

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