The Importance of Milk in Our Daily Diet to stay Healthy Fit and Strong

Importance of milk
Milk is known for one of the best source of protein. Most of the guys those start their gym and exercise on a fresh level they prefer milk as their priorities, with bananas. Doctors also gave suggestion to the parents of new born baby that they should gave mother’s milk only in first 3 or 4 years to the newly born baby. Because milk is very important for the body structure because it’s a base of our body. It contains about 87 percent of water and 13 percent solids and proteins. Milk helps to build repair body and makes new skin tissues and it’s also creating antibodies which circulate the blood and help in fight with infection. Milk also contains the large numbers of the nutrients, proteins, magnesium, Vitamins, riboflavin and potassium. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Amazing Healthy Reasons to Eat a Bowl Salad and Unbaked Food Daily ...  
The Importance of Milk in Our Daily Diet to stay Healthy Fit and Strong
The Importance of Milk in Our Daily Diet to stay Healthy Fit and Strong
If children drink milk twice a day then they found their teeth and bones much stronger than before, with that the need of calcium will automatically fulfils. Mother’s milk is the best food in this world for newly baby born especially the first yellow milk of mother is actual life for baby because it constructs the brain, body, nature, thinking and interest of child. But today’s mom ( who think more about their figure rather than the child ) are using artificial milk for their babies which is wrong. When child completes his fifth birthday, from there they should start dinking cows or buffalos milk daily.

Two Vitamins and Other Nutrients in milk:
·        Vitamin B12:  First and important Vitamin in milk, is mainly responsible for the production of the healthy cells.  

·        Vitamin A: Vitamin A is second type of vitamin which is seems in milk, it is mainly responsible for the good eyesight and the immune function.

·        Calcium: Actually Milk is highly know for its calcium richness; this calcium is very important for the bones and teethes. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Ways to Have a Good General Healthy Body ... 
Vitamin and Minerals found  in Milk
Vitamin and Minerals found  in Milk
·        Magnesium:  Milk also contains magnesium which also plays a vital role in our muscles function. It is give power to muscles and strengthens them.

·        Protein: Milk has a huge numbers of proteins as well, which helps our body to grow and built. For the growth of our body milk is very important. Most of peoples drink milk after having food or before going to bed. Drinking milk in the night is a bad habit because it causes heart problems. It’s a bad habit because it is hard to digest, which interrupts the working of our digestive system and that may cause constipation, which is the godown of many other disease. So avoid milk in before bed, where the right place to drink milk is morning means in breakfast with some light food like eggs or bread butter or fruits. While in Lunch eat curd with you food. The milk keeps away many types of the diseases from our body. Who drink milk on the daily bases is slimmer than those who do not drink milk on the daily bases. Milk also keeps away you from the cancer.
Benefits of Drinking Milk Daily
Benefits of Drinking Milk Daily

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