What is Irrigation Describe Two Water Conserving Types of Irrigation

Water is needed for regular growth of any living thing. The process of supplying water to plants at regular intervals for its proper growth is called irrigation. Irrigation is used to assist crops, maintain landscapes, revival of dry land and also when rainfall is not adequate for healthy growth of crops. It saves the moisture of soil. Irrigation is also necessary for healthy growth of plants. Irrigation has been part of agriculture for over 5000 years and a part of much cultures.The natural rainfall is mostly unpredictable and leads to certain problems for farmers. To cope with these uncertainties irrigation is used in affected areas. CLICK HERE TO KNOW What is the Difference Between Fertilizer and Compost ...
Sprinkle Irrigation
Sprinkle Irrigation
As continues use of irrigation from a particular place may lead to serious water problems, there are some methods which fulfill the purpose of irrigation and also help to conserve water. These methods include the process to target the required places only and hence save water to a very huge level. A country like India which includes multiple climates, is mostly uncertain about rainfall and also land water availability, so these water conserving system serves the best in theses types of places. Also, India is country where more than 50% of population is dependent on agriculture, needs to have a systematic way to use water so that they can use water when needed necessary. To save land water and decrease the water consumption as much as possible, farmers use these water saving techniques. These techniques give enough water to plants and also save a huge amount of water as well. CLICK HERE TO KNOW What is Fire Describe It ...
Drip System Irrigation
Drip System Irrigation
Two Water Conserving Irrigation Techniques are :
1.     Sprinkler Irrigation : sprinkler irrigation is a method which is nearly equals to natural rainfall. This method or technique is use at places where land is not formed equally everywhere. To give water to all the plants irrespective of the formation of land, sprinkler method is used. Water in this method is distributed through a system of pipes. The water pipes hence end over at a nozzle or sprinklers. Hence the pumped water reaches to the sprinkler through pipes and sprinkles over the crops. These sprinklers spray the water on crops in the form of small droplets. These droplets, being small in size save a large amount of water. The system is designed as to provide a equal distribution of water on the ground through sprinklers. Sprinkler method is suitable for any types of land. The thing to keep in mind is that the pipes must be kept equally distant so that the water distribution is uniform. Sprinklers are best used in sandy soils. Although they are adaptable to mostly all types of soils. The sprinklers rotate and give enough supply of water to all the plants. To save water and get a uniform distribution of water in agriculture, sprinkler irrigation is proffered.

2.     Drip System : Drip system is the most convenient irrigation system for the places where water scarcity is at its peak. This is the best method to save water. It uses minimum amount of water. This method is a boon for the places where land water is very less available. Drip system is usually used for fruiting crops and it is also called trickle system. It includes dropping of water at a very low rate. The system of pipes ends at an emitter or dripper. The dripper is so close to the roots that it only wets the root of the plant. Hence drip system is a life saver for all the regions where rainfall and land water both provide unfavorable conditions for agriculture.
What is Irrigation Describe Two Water Conserving Types of Irrigation
What is Irrigation Describe Two Water Conserving Types of Irrigation

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