Complete Procedure to Ready Soil for Sowing Crop in Field

Ready Soil for Sowing
In Agriculture soil plays the most important and biggest part because every crop starts with the field means soil. The seed we sow in soil grows in soil, gets its nutrients and other materials from soil, took water from soil as well, even during photosynthesis soil has its own factor. This all shows the importance of soil for crop. But before sowing any seed in soil we need to prepare it for crop and it has its own method. But why we need to prepare the soil. CLICK HERE TO KNOW What is the Difference Between Fertilizer and Compost ... 
Complete Procedure to Ready Soil for Sowing Crop in Field
Complete Procedure to Ready Soil for Sowing Crop in Field
What is the need to prepare soil?
When we harvest any crop, its waste mixes in the soil and makes the soil unclean, even during the soil every crop took all the soil and water from their perspective field and crop tightens the soil also, which makes the deficiency of gases in soil and if there will be deficiency of Carbon dioxide then how can crop grows. So, before every crop soil must be clean and fresh and this can possible if you plough your soil.

How to Prepare Soil?
·        First Step : Clean the Soil :
-         Ploughing : The Best way to clean or loosen the soil is ploughing because when we ploughs the land with modern tractor or old plough, it rotates the soil means it reverses the inner layer of soil to outer layer and crates some gas between every particle of soil. This makes soil to breathe well and absorb more water. The other benefit of ploughing is that it makes soil to release its humidity and polluted particles. So, ploughing is the best way to clean the soil. CLICK HERE TO KNOW The Structure of Earth's Interior ... 
Step by Step Prepare Field for Crop
Step by Step Prepare Field for Crop
-         Watering : The other way to clean the soil is watering. In this method first you have to plough the soil and then fill you field with water for whole day. Water makes soil loosen and makes the waste particle to float over it. After that you can easily remove those waste particles with the help of other tool called Strainer.

·        Second Step : Level the Soil :
-         Leveler : As you complete your ploughing work or cleaning of soil, you need to level the soil with leveler. In modern days you can use it behind your tractor but in old day the ox were used for this work as well. In place of leveler farmers pairs a big heavy plane wooden plate behind them and then levels the soil. Leveler makes every seed to grow at same difference and makes them get same nutrients from soil.
Ways to Get Your Field Soil Ready
Ways to Get Your Field Soil Ready
·        Third Step : Sowing :
-         Sowing the Seeds : Third step is the time to sow the seeds, sowing is depend on the crop because every crop has its own step of sowing. But make sure every seed must have same difference. It gives a great quality of crop. For great quality you must select best seeds as well.

·        Fourth Step : Add Manure or Fertilizer :  
-         Manure : The next step for preparing soil for crop is adding manure or fertilizer. As we need some protein or other nutrients to build our muscles or makes we fit. It is the Manure or Fertilizer who does the same work for crop. Manure and Fertilizer both keeps crop healthy but there is a difference between them. Manure is completely organic where Fertilizer is inorganic or manufactured in Lab.

So, this is how you can prepare your soil for sowing a crop, after this you need to irrigate it at regular intervals of time and protect them from weeds and other harmful plants for your crop. 
Clean Your Soil by Ploughing and Watering
Clean Your Soil by Ploughing and Watering

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