Laughter and Smiling is the Best Medicine in Our Life to Stay Disease Free

Why Laughing is so Important
God gave us lots of way in which we can find our happiness in bad times as well. For this purpose nothing is better than Laughing. Laughing is that quality which is only given to human, you can’t see any animal or birds laughing or LoL. But still many people found him in misery, anxiety, tension, anger and envy, which shadow over their laughing quality and they forget about the importance of Laughing in Life. But they must remember that only laughing is that remedy who can take them out of their all problem and only this can give us satisfaction. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Ways to Have a Good General Healthy Body ... 
Laughter and Smiling is the Best Medicine in Our Life to Stay Disease Free
Laughter and Smiling is the Best Medicine in Our Life to Stay Disease Free
Benefits of Laughing :
Our cute smile can charm anyone’s heart and lighten the party. Even when any boy want talk or propose any girl, the first expression of boy will always smile and vice versa because smile has its own effect. So, now we are telling you some amazing benefits of smile in our life.

·        Gives Confidence : The first benefit of smile is that it gives us a confidence, confidence to be positive, confidence to solve or face any problem and confidence to stay solid in any situation. We know smile is also the part of nature and it is like priceless gift to us. That gift fills the positivity in us, which removes our all problem and makes us the centre of attraction. It also glows our face and burn our extra 30 – 40 calorie means helps in to reduce fat. So, everyone must laugh 10 – 15 times in a day.

·        Solution of Problems : If you ever notice that laughing spreads your thinking and makes your brain run wide. If yes than you are good because laughing increases our heart rate upto 20 % and this increase the blood circulation in our brain and then our brain work more effectively than normal. In this situation the result come out of brain will be more effective and successful. Your positive viewpoint will definitely makes you to solve any problem. So take some dose of laughing at regular interval.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW What is the Need of Fasting and What are its Health Benefits ...
Facts about Laughter and Health
Facts about Laughter and Health
·        Dr. Laughing : We know you are laughing at our subtitle, but it is true. Laughing has Ph.D degree in doctorate because it has treatment for every disease. Actually when we laugh loudly, a Harmon named endorphin exudes in our body. This harmon gives our body a new energy to work and power to fight with diseases and that makes you ignore doctors. According to a line 3 things are our best friends and free effective doctors, first Laughing, second Balanced Diet and third Peace of Mind and Soul.

·        Increases Immunity Power : Like we said earlier that laughing makes your  body strong and produces such harmons who can fight with any diseases and keeps you diseases free. For doing this job laughing effect on our immunity power and increases it.
Laughing Therapy
Laughing Therapy
·        Burn Calorie : If you are worried about your obesity and tried a lot of unsuccessful medicine to remove it, then you must try laughing to cure it because it burn those extra calorie which increases fat.

·        Removes Pain : Yes, it can remove your pain as well because it decreases the quantity of stress harmon in your body. So keep smiling, Laugh daily and make other people laugh as well because laughing is the best medicine in our life to stay feet healthy diseases free and attractive as well. 
Why is it Important to Laugh Every day
Why is it Important to Laugh Every day

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