Top 10 Highest Iron Rich Foods for Vegetarians and Vegans

Top 10 Highest Iron Rich Foods for Vegetarians and Vegans
Friends, food nutrients and minerals are very important for the growth of body and one of them is Iron; iron boosts immunity power and keeps body diseases free and strong. That’s why add iron rich foods materials in your diet. But today everyone looks on non-veg foods for nutrients. While there are many such vegetarian foods that gives more iron than meat or non-veg foods. Today we are going to tell you about those veg foods so, let’s start.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Ten Highly Protein Rich Pure Vegetarian Foods ...
Top 10 Highest Iron Rich Foods for Vegetarians and Vegans
Top 10 Highest Iron Rich Foods for Vegetarians and Vegans
Beet Root :
Beet roots are the best source of Iron and if you eat it regularly then it increases hemoglobin and RBC in blood. Not just beetroot but its leaves too are rich in Iron. So if you are suffering with anemia then eat some beet root daily.

Spinach :
When anyone talks about Iron then no one can forget spinach. Not just Iron, spinach contains Calcium, Sodium, Chlorine, Phosphorous, Protein and other minerals as well. That’s why if you are searching for veg-iron then add spinach in your diet.

Pomegranate :
Pomegranate also contains high iron, which removes every disease caused due to lack of blood or anemia. So, eat 1 pomegranate or drink 1 glass of pomegranate juice daily to fulfill the requirement of Iron in your body.

Basil :
The next name in veg-iron food list is basil. Yes, basil which we respect like mother and worship like a goddess is an amazing source of Iron. So if you lack iron in your body then start eating basil, it will keep you healthy and diseases free always.

Guava :
The riper guava contains more Iron and other nutrients. So, choose most ripe guava next time. Actually Guava fills new energy and enthusiasm in body and it increases the blood level as well to make us look more glowing.

Pulse :
Pulses are the healthiest food materials on earth. Because Pulses not just rich in Iron and Protein, but they prevent obesity and extra fat from body as well. So, consume 1 bowl of pulses daily and it will be better if you consume boiled pulses.

Tofu :
Tofu also contains high protein and the best part of this is that you can prepare it according to your taste means you can cook it spicy, grilled, baked or else.

Oat :
If you starts you day with oats then you will found yourself powerful and energetic whole day, because only 1 bowl of oat fulfills the requirement of iron in body.
10 Iron Rich Food Materials
10 Iron Rich Food Materials
Pumpkin :
Nothing is better than pumpkin to make body strong, to boost immunity and to fulfill the requirement of iron in body. Yes, pumpkin contains such nutrients which make Iron and keeps body health and the best way to consume pumpkin is drink a glass of its juice daily.

Dry Fruits :
Almonds, Walnuts, Raisins and date are those dry fruits that are good source of iron, which makes Red Blood Cells and boost iron fast. You can eat peanuts as well.

So friends, these are the 10 veg-food material, which gives you more protein then non-veg or meat. So if you are looking for veg-iron or want to boost iron in your body then add these food materials in your diet.

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