Maintain Your Irregular Abnormal Menstruation Cycle Naturally at Home

Maintain Your Irregular Abnormal Menstruation Cycle Naturally at Home
Friends, irregular or abnormal menstruation is a women related problem in which they bleed monthly for 4-5 days. Actually menstruation cause many important changes in their body and if any girl has regular menstrual cycle then it is a good sign for her because that means her all important parts of body are working properly. According to reports an average normal menstruation cycle is 28 days long, but it can vary from 21 to 45 day in teens and 21 to 35 days in adults. But sometime girls have to face some irregularities in Menstruation means it may not came till 2 months and it may come twice in a month as well and this is called menstruation irregularity or problem.

But as we said Menstruation is an important part of women life and their health and that’s why it is necessary to cure any menstruation problem in time. Today we are going to show you some amazing remedies to maintain your irregular abnormal menstruation cycle naturally at home. So, let’s start.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Successful Remedies to Cure Menstruation Pain and Problems ...
Maintain Your Irregular Abnormal Menstruation Cycle Naturally at Home
Maintain Your Irregular Abnormal Menstruation Cycle Naturally at Home
Remedies to Maintain Irregular Menstruation :
First Remedy :
In first remedy we will use garlic, so take a cup of water and chop two garlic cloves as well. Now boil these chopped garlic cloves with this cup of water. Now let the water cool a bit and then drink slowly, don’t forget to eat the boiled garlic cloves as well. Follow this remedy twice a day for 3 days. It will definitely remove all the menstruation irregularities soon.

Second Remedy :
You can use celery seeds and hot water too to get rid of all menstruation irregularities. To use them take 1tsp of celery seeds and mix in 1 glass of hot water. Now leave it for 5 minutes and then drink. Follow this remedy for 5 to 7 days regularly.

Third Remedy :
The queen of spices cinnamon contains many such qualities that help to cure menstruation problem soon. So, mix ½ tsp of cinnamon powder in a glass of water well and then drink it twice a day. This drink relives in menstruation pain, excess of blood and other menstruation irregularities within just 2 days.
Remedies to Maintain Irregular Menstruation
Remedies to Maintain Irregular Menstruation
Other Solutions :
-    Take 3g of black pepper powder and add some honey in it. Take this mixture twice a day it opens blocked menstruation immediately.

-    If you have any irregularity or problem in menstruation then eats some papaya or 2tsp of aloe vera juice daily.

-    Carrot Juice and Soup are also helpful to get rid of menstruation irregularities naturally.

-    Don’t Drink cool water or eat ice cream at least 7 days before and 7 days after the menstruation. 

So any girl who is worried about irregularities in her menstruation cycle then she should follow these remedies to get rid of those irregularities and problems.

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