Immediate Relieve in Stomach Gas and Pain

Immediate Relieve in Stomach Gas and Pain
Friends, unhealthy food material cause many stomach and health problems like stomach pain and gas. Gastric problem not just restricted to stomach but it runs through whole body and cause chest burning and pain as well. However the main cause of gastric problem is unhealthy digestive system and consumption of spicy foods and people start using market powder, syrups and medicines to get rid of this problem but don’t get permanent solution. That’s why today we are here with some amazing remedies and yoga exercises that relieves in gastric problem and pain permanently.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Never Eat These Foods at Night ... 
Immediate Relieve in Stomach Gas and Pain
Immediate Relieve in Stomach Gas and Pain
Remedies to Relieve in Stomach Gas and Pain :
First Remedy :
There are lots of powders in market to get rid of gastric problem and stomach pain but you don’t how they were prepared and what they contains, but if you want then you can prepare a special mixture at home to relive in stomach pain immediately. For this you just need black pepper, asafetida, cumin and ginger. So mix all the materials in same quantity and you can add black salt in it too to increase its effects. Consume 1tsp of this mixture twice a day with lukewarm water to get immediate relieve.

Second Remedy :
If you are suffering with gastric problem, stomach pain or scouring then take 2tsp of lemon juice and add some grinded ginger and sugar candy powder in it. Mix them well and consume it. It will relieve in stomach pain within just 5 minutes.

Third Remedy :
Take 1 bowl and add ½ - ½ tsp of Celery, Cumin and Black Salt in it. Now bake this mixture on a pen and then add 2tsp of lemon juice in it. Consume 4g of this remedy 3 times in a day. It will relieve in stomach pain soon.

Yoga Exercises to Remove Stomach Problems :
Seated Forward Bend :
Seated Forward Bend keep stomach, kidney, liver and pancreas healthy and increase their workability and this helps to remove stomach ache, acidity, indigestion and gas. So, to do this yoga, lie down on floor first and then sit straight. Take your hands above your head and bend your spine forward slowly. Try to hold your toes. Remember don’t bend your knees. Stay in this pose for 10 seconds and then back to starting position. Repeat it 4-5 times daily.

Gas Release Pose :
As the name shows, this pose removes unhealthy air from stomach and that’s why it is called gas release pose. So, lie down on floor first and fill air in your lungs. Now bend your knees and try to touch them on your chest, with that take your head up and try to touch your nose on knees. Hold your breathe in this position for a while and then release and back to normal pose.

Fish Pose :
According to the name of pose, you have to make your body shape like fish in this yoga and if you practice this yoga regularly then it relives in acidity, constipation, gas, keeps digestive system healthy and increase appetite. To practice this yoga, sit in lotus pose and bend your spine backward slowly and touch your head to ground. Now hold both your toe and touch your elbow to ground as well. Breath in and breathe out in this pose slowly.
Remedies to Relieve in Stomach Gas and Pain
Remedies to Relieve in Stomach Gas and Pain
Other Solutions :
-    Take a glass of water and mix some baking soda in it, drink it to relives in acidity and scouring.

-    But if you are facing gastric problem then mix 15g of fennel in a glass of water for whole night and drink it next day.

-    Fenugreek also helps to relives in stomach pain and gas. So soak some fenugreek seed in water for whole night. Next day grind them and add some curd in it. Consume this mixture twice a day to keep stomach healthy.

Friends, these are some amazing home remedies and yoga exercises, which relives in stomach gas and pain immediately. So if you are also worried about any stomach problem then follow these tips and get benefited.

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