Amazing Benefits of Drinking Miraculous Spice Grenadine Tea

Amazing Benefits of Drinking Miraculous Spice Grenadine Tea
Friends, Tea is an important part of our life and almost every one of us kick-start our day with the sipping of hot cup of tea. However many of us takes green tea, black tea or milk tea. But if you are looking for something new, tasty and very healthy then you should try clove or grenadine tea. Clove (which is also known as grenadine) has an important place in Kitchen because it enhances the flavor and adds many Healthy properties to Food. But not many of us know that cloves tea contains many hidden healthy qualities as well. So, let’s know how to prepare clove tea and how it is beneficial for us.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Very Useful Mint Leaves ... 
Amazing Benefits of Drinking Miraculous Spice Grenadine Tea
Amazing Benefits of Drinking Miraculous Spice Grenadine Tea
Material Required :
-    6-7 Cloves
-    ½tsp Tea
-    Sugar Candy and
-    1 Cup of Water

Process of Making Clove Tea :
To prepare this tea boil 1 cup of water first and then add 6-7 Cloves in it and leave the mixture to boil for 2 minutes. Now add ½tsp of tea and some Sugar Candy in it and then strain your tea after 2 minutes. Your tea is ready, so enjoy it.

Benefits of Clove Tea :
-    Aids in Digestion : If you have a cup of tea before dinner then it stimulates the blood flow and produce saliva to aid digestion. With that clove tea boosts gastric secretion as well to keep stomach healthy and fit as well. 

-    Treats Sinus : If anyone is suffering with sinus then he or she must drink a warm cup of clove tea especially in morning because it clears sinus infection and gives quick relief in sinus pain or infection.

-    Relieves in Toothache : Cloves contains anti-inflammatory qualities that helps in reliving toothache and gums swelling. So, prepare this tea and leave it to cool a bit and then gargle your mouth with it.

-    Heals Skin Problems : Because grenadine tea is rich with many antiseptic properties that’s why this tea helps to deal with any skin problems. So, have a cup of clove tea daily. If you have fungal infection, skin injury or scrapes then you can apply this clove tea onto skin as well.
Process of Making Clove Tea
Process of Making Clove Tea
-    Acts as Natural Sanitizer : Only few people knows that clove tea acts as an natural sanitizer too. To use it you just need to take some cold clove tea in palm and rub your hands. This removes dirt and bacteria from skin and cleans your hand properly.

Friends, this is how you can prepare this clove or grenadine tea. So, prepare it now and drink it to get all its amazing miraculous benefits.

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