Natural Ways to Improve Your Memory and Sharpen Brain Power

Natural Ways to Improve Your Memory and Sharpen Brain Power
Friends, today in this modern world competition is increasing day by day and that’s why it is necessary to keep brain active so we always stay ahead of others. But to keep brain active, you should have a powerful brain and excellent memory power so you can handle any stress. Today we are going to show you a simple but powerful home remedy and some yoga exercises to keep brain healthy and powerful naturally. So, let’s start. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Home Remedies to Boost Memory Power ...
Natural Ways to Improve Your Memory and Sharpen Brain Power
Natural Ways to Improve Your Memory and Sharpen Brain Power
Home Remedies for Powerful Brain :
To increase memory power and for powerful brain, we will use ginger, cumin and sugar candy in this remedy. So, grind some ginger first and take ½ tsp of it in a bowl. Now add ½ tsp of grinded cumin and 1tsp of sugar candy powder in it.

Consume this mixture twice a day with milk or water. This keeps brain healthy, boost memory and gives your brain a new energy.

Yoga Exercises to Increase Memory and Brain Power :
Bhoochari Yoga :
If you are founding hard to concentrate in any work, feeling mentally disturbs or you forget even small things then follow Bhoochari Yoga. To do this yoga, sit in Crossed Legs Pose and keep your spine straight. Now put both your hands on knees.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath and then release. After this take your right hand in front of your face and press your upper lip with the thumb. Remember your palm should be on lower side and finger parallel to elbow.

Now open your eyes and try to see index finger without blink. Repeat this yoga with other hand and practice it for 10 minutes daily.

Tratak Meditation :
Tratak Meditation is used to increase concentration, mental and memory power from thousands of years and the best time to practice it is morning on calm place.

So have your seat on floor and make a yellow point 1 meter from you. Remember the point must straight to your eyes.

After this relax your body and focus your eyes on that yellow point without blink. After some time thing you are going behind that point. This may bring water in your eyes but don’t worry, just close your eyes slowly and gives your eyes rest and then continue your yoga. Practice it for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash your eyes with cold water.

Remember don’t do this yoga with empty stomach or heavy stomach and with spectacles as well.

Head Pose :
Head pose not just improves brain power but makes blood circulation healthy to keep our body disease free. To practice this yoga, place a met on flour and sit in diamond pose.

Now bent forward and place your knees on floor, then interlock your fingers and place your head over them. After this bend your knees and take your legs closer to body. This keeps spine straight, now try to straighten your legs upward and balance your body with hands.

Stay in this pose for a while and then come to normal position. If you want to stay healthy for whole life then practice this yoga for at least 5 minutes daily.

Cobra Pose :
Cobra pose keeps mind concentrated, calms brain and generate positive thoughts as well. In this pose we have to make our body shape life a snake. So, place your met and lay on stomach, now touch your forehead to ground and place your hands under shoulders.

After this pull up your head and shoulders and take a deep breath in. Remember don’t put extra pressure on hands.

Straighten your elbows and bent your spine backward, with that try to touch your navel on the floor as well. Stay in this pose for 20 to 30 seconds and then back to starting pose. Repeat it 3-4 times. You will definitely feel a new energy in you.
Home Remedies for Powerful Brain
Home Remedies for Powerful Brain
Sun Salutation for the Growth of Brain :
If you are very busy in your life and want to keep your body and brain fit and active in small time, then sun salutation is best for you. Actually Sun Salutation keeps mind relaxed and helps in the growth of brain also.

Friends, yoga removes impurities and negativity from our body to keep us fit and healthy always. With that there is no limit for yoga, anyone can practice it. However everyone have same brain power but some use it more while other less. But if you want to make your brain better than others then it is necessary to keep your brain concentrate because a concentrated, healthy and powerful brain has great memory and working strength as well. Today we show you a simple home remedy and some yoga asana to Improve Your Memory and Sharpen Brain Power naturally. So, follow them and get their benefits.

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