Special Drinks to Increase Blood Level in Human Body

Special Drinks to Increase Blood Level in Human Body
Friends, it is necessary to maintains right blood level to keep body healthy, but today everyone is so busy that no one cares their body. However there are 2 types of blood cells- Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells, when our body starts loosing RBC then it is called anemia. The main cause of this is lack of iron in body because iron is the one who makes hemoglobin and fulfills the requirements of blood and gives power to fight with diseases.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Control High Blood Pressure or Hypertension using These Kitchen Solutions ... 
Special Drinks to Increase Blood Level in Human Body
Special Drinks to Increase Blood Level in Human Body
There are lots of tablets in market to make iron and to fulfill the requirement of blood in body but they have lots of side effects as well. That’s why today we are here with some special drinks that make blood fast and increase iron in body. So, let’s start.

Special Drinks to Increase Blood Level in Human Body :
First Drink :
Lemon and Honey helps to make blood and to fulfill the requirement of iron in body because they both are rich with iron and other nutrients. So, take 1 glass of lukewarm water and add 4tsp of Lemon Juice and 1tsp of Honey in it. Your drink is ready, drink it twice a day.

Second Drink :
Tomato also helps to make hemoglobin and RBC in body. So, take 1 glass of tomato and add some halite and ½tsp of black pepper in it. You can drink tomato soup too; this drink also maintains blood level in body and keeps you fit.

Third Drink :
Keep 2-3tsp of white sesame in water for 3 hours and then grind them to prepare a paste. Now mix this paste in 1 glass of milk and then add 1tsp of honey in it. This drink not just makes blood in body but strengthens bones and body as well.

Fourth Drink :
Cinnamon contains Iron, Vitamin A, C, B9, Fiber and Calcium and that’s why Cinnamon works as sovereign remedy in anemia. So take a glass of water and boil it with 1tsp of Cinnamon. Leave the water to cool a bit and then add 1tsp of Honey in it.

Other Drink :
-    Beetroot is also helps to make iron and blood. So, take out juice of 1 beetroot and 3 carrots and drink. You can eat their salad as well.

-    1 glass of spinach soup fulfils 35% of iron in body, with that it makes blood to treat anemia completely.
Improve Your Blood Level with Juice
Improve Your Blood Level with Juice
-    Pomegranate contains iron, calcium, magnesium and other minerals so take a glass of pomegranate juice and add 2tsp of honey and ¼tsp of cinnamon powder. This makes red blood cells and increases the level of haemoglobin in body.

-    Banana is one of the best sources of iron. So drink 1 glass of banana shake twice a day.
Friends, these are the special drinks whose only 1 glass fulfills the requirement of blood and cure anemia and other diseases. So, if you also want to increase blood level in your body then start drinking this any of these drink daily and get benefited.

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