Easiest Treatment for Baldness without Losing any Money

Easiest Treatment for Baldness without Losing any Money
Friends, changes in our body over time are completely natural process like wrinkles on face after certain age, white hairs and physical weakness. Similarly there is a certain period when our hairs start falling but, now youngster are also facing this problem and the main cause of this is changing lifestyle and food. In this situation they use expensive creams and medicines and ruin their pocket. However it is very simple to cure this problem. Today we are going to show you some amazing remedies and Yoga Pranayama to grow new hairs easily on bald head. So, let’s start.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Grow Healthy Hair Fast on Bald Head ...
Easiest Treatment for Baldness without Losing any Money
Easiest Treatment for Baldness without Losing any Money 
First Remedy :
Liquorice is known to be the best remedy to get rid of baldness. To use it take 1tsp of Liquorice powder and add ½tsp of fenugreek powder and some milk in it. Mix them well to prepare your paste and apply on head before bed, now cover your head with towel or any cloth and sleep. Next day wash your hairs, you can use herbal shampoo also. Follow this solution twice a week; this brings new black hairs on your head soon.

Second Remedy :
Both Cinnamon and Olive oil are rich with such components that nourishes hairs roots to make hair strong and healthy, and when you mix honey with them then their paste helps to grow new hairs on bald head fast. So, take 1tsp of lukewarm olive oil and mix 1tsp of cinnamon powder and 1tsp of honey in it. Now apply this paste in the roots of hair and on bald areas on head. Wash this paste off after 15 minutes with lukewarm water. Follow this solution every second day, you will see new hairs on your head soon.

Third Remedy :
We will use halite, black pepper powder and coconut oil in third remedy. So, take a bowl and add ½ tsp of halite, ½ tsp of black pepper and 2tsp of coconut oil in it. Mix them well to prepare a paste. Now apply this paste on your bald head and wash it off after 30 minutes. Remember don’t use white salt and don’t use excess of salt in your diet as well because it increase hair fall.

Yoga Exercises to Treat Hair Fall and Baldness :
Dolphin Plank Pose :
To practice dolphin plank pose, sit in diamond pose first and then put your hand on floor. Now straighten your legs and take your hips up. Remember don’t bend your knees and elbows, with that keep your head in between your hands and make your body like triangular. Stay in this pose for a while and then back to diamond pose. This pose improves blood flow and increase hair growth to remove baldness.

Shoulder Stand Pose :
Shoulder Stand Pose is known to be full body exercise and it is very good to keep body healthy. So lie down on a floor first and then close your eyes and take a deep breath in. Now take your legs and spine upward, you can use your hands to support your waist. But remember don’t bent your neck and your legs must be at 90 degree to floor.

Alternate Nostril Breathing :
Sit in easy pose and close your eyes. Now put your right thumb on right nostril and breathe out from left nostril and breathe in with left nostril as well. After this close your left nostril with third figure too. Remove your right thumb from right nostril after sometime and breathe out slowly. Stop breathing for 2 second and then breathe in with right nostril and breathe out from left. Repeat it 5-7 times. The regular practice of this yoga also helps in the growth of hairs and removes baldness.
Yoga Exercises to Treat Hair Fall and Baldness
Yoga Exercises to Treat Hair Fall and Baldness
Other Solutions :
-    Onion is very helpful to treat baldness, so take an onion slice and rub it on head especially bald area for 5 minutes.

-    Mix aloe vera juice, onion juice and honey in same quantity and then apply this paste on our head 1 hour before having a bath.

-    Green coriander also contains such qualities which bring new hairs, so grind some coriander and apply in the roots of your hairs.

Friends, these are the easiest home remedies and yoga exercises to get rid of baldness permanently. So, if you are also worried about your hair fall, weak hairs and white hairs then prepare any of the remedy and get benefited.

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