Boost up Body Joint Strength for Old Ages

Boost up Body Joint Strength for Old Ages
Friends, joint pain is most heard and common problem today, but this common problem makes your daily activities hard or we say makes your life difficult. So, if you are also worried about your joint pain then read this post till the end because today we are here with some amazing practical which boost up body joint strength in old ages too.

Home Remedies to Cure Joint Pain :
First Remedy :
Materials Required :
-    2 Piece of Aloe Vera
-    ½tsp – Cumin
-    ½tsp – Mustard Oil
-    ½tsp – Turmeric
-    ½tsp – Amchoor
-    1tsp – Salt
-    1tsp – Coriander Powder  
-    1tsp – Asafetida and
-    1 Chopped Green Chili

Process of Making Aloe Vera Vegetable :
To prepare this remedy, boil 2 cup of water first and when water start boiling then add ½ tsp of salt, some turmeric and 2 piece of Aloe Vera in it and then leave water to boil for 6-7 minutes. After 6-7 minutes wash these aloe vera pieces in cold water, this removes bitterness of aloe vera.

Now take a frying pan and add ½tsp of mustard oil, cumin, asafetida, turmeric, coriander powder and chopped green chill in it and bake all the materials lightly. Now we will add aloe vera pieces, some salt and Amchoor in this mixture. Let all the materials bake again, your vegie will be ready within 3 to 4 minutes.

Eat this vegie 3 to 4 times in a week. This makes your joint flexible and young with that it strengthens bones as well.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Special Homemade Formula to Boost Sexual Power ...
Boost up Body Joint Strength for Old Ages
Boost up Body Joint Strength for Old Ages
Second Remedy :
We will use mustard oil and garlic in second remedy. So, turn on the gas and take a frying pan. Now add 2tsp of mustard oil and 2 garlic cloves in it. Let the cloves bake till they turn to red. Massage your joint with this oil daily in morning and evening.
This remedy gives your joints warmth and removes their stiffness. You can prepare this oil in large quantity as well but remember, warm this oil first and then use. If your joints are swelled then doesn’t use this oil.

Third Remedy :
Take a bowl and add 2tsp of Celery, ½ tsp of Salt and 2tsp of Sand in it. Now warm this mixture on pan. After this take a cotton cloth, put this mixture on it and make a bundle. Foment your joints with this bundle, this not just removes joint pain but gives your joints new strength and life as well. But don’t use it if your joints are swelled.

Other Suggestions :
-    If your joints have swelling then mix ½ tsp of turmeric in 1 glass of boiled milk and drink it before bed. 

-    Do regular exercise and pranayama to keep your joints flexible and active. This prevents joint pain for long time.

-    Add Vitamin and Calcium rich food materials in our diets, because this nourishes bones and joints.

Friends, joints are those parts of our body where two bones join and make our body active and moving. But increasing age, wound, obesity, cancer, infection or arthritis weakens joins and makes them stiff, which cause joint pain and make you hard to do any physical activities. This makes your life difficult, not just this it increases the chances of other diseases as well. So, if you are also suffering with joint pain then prepare any of these remedies and get its benefits.

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