Loose 5kg Body Weight within 15 Days using Carom Water

Loose 5kg Body Weight within 15 Days using Carom Water
We all know about carom, it is also a part of our Kitchen which looks like as Cumin but a bit smaller in size. Actually Carom is Very useful to Reduce Fat and for this you just need to drink Carom water for at least 15 Days Regularly. This cuts 5kg of you extra fat and removes other diseases caused by Fat too like Heart Attack, Diabetes, Stomach and Liver Diseases etc.

You can call it small dynamite also because it contain many Healthy Components and Nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Iron, Manganese, Calcium, Omega 3 Fatty Acid, Sodium, Phosphorous and Potassium, that’s why Carom Water is so useful to remove body extra fat. So, Friends if you are also worried about your obesity then don't worry because today we will show you that how healthy and nutrients rich carom water helps to loose 5kg body weight within 15 days. So let’s start.

Material Required :
-    50 Gram Carom
Loose 5kg Body Weight within 15 Days using Carom Water
Loose 5kg Body Weight within 15 Days using Carom Water
Process of Making Carom Water :
To prepare this water keep 50g of Carom in 1 Glass of Water for Whole Night. Next day strain this water in another Glass and Mix 1tsp of pure Honey in it. Drink this water daily with Empty Stomach.

For better Result drink this carom water regularly for 45 days but its shows its effect within 15 Days and Gives you Slim Trim figure.

Other Benefits of Carom Water :
-    Keeps Digestive System Fit : Carom Water not just reduces obesity but it makes digestive system fit and Healthy as well.

-    Removes Gas and Indigestion : Drinking Carom water regularly removes gas and Indigestion, with that it removes Stomach Pain too.

-    Treat Headache : Boil the Carom water and take its Steam this opens nose, treats headache and cold.

-    Cleans Intestine : Carom contains many Antibacterial Components which helps to removing Harmful Bacteria from Stomach and Intestine.

-    Keeps Mouth Healthy : If you are worried about teeth worms, toothache or foul mouth then Gargle with Carom water to keep your mouth and teeth healthy.

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