Some Very Effective Yoga Exercise Tips to Make you Most Beautiful

Some Very Effective Yoga Exercise Tips to Make you Most Beautiful
Friends, in our last post we show you some amazing tips to turn your squeezed and dry cheeks round, beautiful and chubby again. With that we have told you that we will back soon with some very effective yoga exercises to make you look more beautiful. So let’s starts.

Facial Yoga and Exercise to Stay Beautiful :
-    Face is the Index of Mind : This Yoga Exercise is the best to make you look more beautiful and attractive because this not just glows skin but makes cheeks chubby as well. This yoga is best to remove pimples, acne and spots from face. So put both of your thumbs on your nose so you can’t breathe. After this fill as much air in your mouth as you can and then try to touch your nose to your chest. Now get back in starting pose slowly and release the air from mouth as well. Repeat is 4-5 times.

-    Fish Pose : Sit straight and relax your face muscles. Then pull both your chicks inwards your mouth and make your face like a fish. Hold your face in this pose for 1 minute and then relax again. Repeat it 3 times in 3 sets.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Natural Tips for Chubby Cheeks to make them Round and Attractive ...
Some Very Effective Yoga Exercise Tips to Make you Most Beautiful
Some Very Effective Yoga Exercise Tips to Make you Most Beautiful
-    Balloon Pose Yoga : Take a deep breath and fill air in your mouth as much as you can for 40 to 50 seconds. You will feel tension in your cheeks muscles. This exercise makes your cheeks round like balloon soon.

-    Laughing Yoga : Laugh as much as you can in whole day because laughing also creates tension in cheeks and helps to make cheeks chubby. With that laughing improves blood circulation and increase blood in body. So this is how laughing gives a new glow and attraction to your cheeks and face.

-    Tongue Pose Yoga : Tongue Pose Yoga tightens skin, removes dark circles and wrinkles from under eyes and this yoga is good for eyes as well. So, sit in lotus pose and put your both hand on your knees. Now take out your tongue and stay in this post for a while. Repeat this yoga 3 times in 3 sets.

So friends, if you want to look beautiful and attractive and want to make your skin wrinkle, acne and spots free then practice these yoga exercise daily. With that you can see our last post and follow the tips to make your cheeks chubby and round as well.

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