More Effective and Powerful than Hair oil for your Beautiful Silky and Long Hair

More Effective and Powerful than Hair oil for your Beautiful Silky and Long Hair
Friends, everyone wishes for long thick and beautiful hair but today every person is so busy that they forget about their hair and that’s why today the problems like hair fall, white hairs in youth, dandruff and split hairs are so common. Many peoples use chemical filled products and oil to get rid of these problems but these chemical filled products increase their problem. But now you don’t need to worry because today we will show you some easy and effective use of onion to remove every hair problem and to make hair long and beautiful as well.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Clear Unwanted Facial Hair Instantly 100% Natural ...
More Effective and Powerful than Hair oil for your Beautiful Silky and Long Hair
More Effective and Powerful than Hair oil for your Beautiful Silky and Long Hair
Make Your Hair Shiny and Silky :
Onion contains sulfur which not just nourishes hair roots but makes hair shiny and silky as well, while beer makes hairs naturally beautiful. So, mix onion juice and beer in same quantity and then apply in your hairs. Use this mixture twice a week, you will get new shine and glow in your hairs within a month.

Make Hair Long and Thick :
You can prepare an amazing hair pack to improve the growth of hairs and to make hair long and thick. For this you need Onion Juice, Lemon, Honey and Curd. So, Mix 1tsp of Lemon Juice, 1tsp of Honey and 2tsp of Curd in 4tsp of Onion Juice and prepare your hair pack. After this apply this pack in your hairs for 30 minutes and then wash. This hair pack gives your long and thick hairs and makes them silky and beautiful.

Remove Dandruff and Infection :
If you are worried about dandruff then be careful because dandruff cause fungal infection in the roots of hair and make them week, which results in hair fall and baldness. So, take out onion juice in juicer and then add some curd and lemon in it. Apply this paste in your hair and leave for 30 minutes and then wash it off. Follow this solution for 3 times in a week to remove dandruff.

Grow new Shiny Hair in Bald Head :
Today hair fall became a big problem for youth, this affect self-confidence and personality. To get rid of this problem takes out onion juice and applies on head for 30 minutes, after this massage your head with honey. This gives nutrition to roots of hair and grows new hair in bald head.
How to Get Healthy Hair Using Onion
How to Get Healthy Hair Using Onion
Stops Hair Fall :
Hair fall is common but if hairs fall in excess then it is a big problem, to get rid of this problem we will prepare onion paste. So, grind some onion and then bake in coconut oil till its color change to pink. After this leave the oil to cool and then apply in your head before bed at night. Use this oil 2 to 3 times in a week, this improves blood circulation in head, which makes hair healthy, beautiful and strong.

Friends, these are the some amazing uses of onion for hairs, which is more beneficial than any oil to make hairs thick, long and beautiful. So, if you are also suffering with any hair problem then follow these tips.

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