First Aid Treatment Immediately in Paralysis Attack

First Aid Treatment Immediately in Paralysis Attack
Friends, today we will tell you that what first aid treatment you can do immediately if someone face paralysis attack in front of you.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Raw Green Banana The Father of All Medicine ... 
First Aid Treatment Immediately in Paralysis Attack
First Aid Treatment Immediately in Paralysis Attack
First Aid Treatment for Paralysis :
The main cause of paralysis is the blockage of blood supply in brain or damage in brain’s blood vessel. If this situation person gets dizzy and falls, he may lose his ability to walk or talk, his face becomes strange and sometime his other parts of body may stop working as well. In this situation you should call ambulance first and until ambulance came follow the steps given below.

·         Step 1 : Paralysis may attack anyone in any place means on road, in mall or in public area as well. So, ask someone to help you and take the victim in comfortable place.

·         Step 2 : Now check the victims response means as him his name, maybe he found hard to speak. So, hold his hand and tell him to squeeze your hand. If he do so, then he in conscious.

·         Step 3 : Don’t get crowded around the patient and let the air pass through otherwise patient may feel suffocate, which may worsen his condition. With that loose patient’s tight cloths as well.

·         Step 4 : After this sit on your knees, straighten victims left and take his right hand under his head. Now roll him to his left side. Remember his top right leg bent at knee. This position is also known as recovery position. The other benefit of this position is that it opens blocked airways.

·         Step 5 : Make sure victim is breathing, so check his chest pumping up or not and try to hear his breathing sound.

·         Step 6 : If victim is not breathing then tilt him back in normal position and press his chest. To press his chest first interlock your hand and then press on lower half of his chest bone.
Ayurveda First Aid in Paralysis Attack
Ayurveda First Aid in Paralysis Attack
·         Step 7 : As ambulance came, admit the patients immediately in hospital. This is how you can save the life of a person and save him from other harmful effects of paralysis.

Ayurveda First Aid in Paralysis Attack :
As anyone has paralysis attack in front of you, then warm 50-100g of sesame oil a bit and make the victim drink it. After this give him garlic cloves to chew. If he found hard to chew then grind garlic and put it under his mouth. Now start fomentation on his affects parts.

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