Accurate Precise Treatment of Cough Cold and Nasal Catarrh

Accurate Precise Treatment of Cough Cold and Nasal Catarrh
Friends, if you are also suffering with cough cold and nasal catarrh then definitely read this post because today we will show you 4 accurate and precise treatments to get rid of cough cold and nasal catarrh. 

Accurate Remedies to Cure Cough Cold and Nasal Catarrh :
First Remedy : Masala Tea
In first remedy we will use our kitchen spices to prepare a masala tea. So, take 2tsp of Dry Coriander and add ½ tsp of Cumin, ½ tsp of Fennel and ¼ tsp of Fenugreek in it to prepare your masala. You can increase or decrease the quantity of this masala but maintain the ratio of material.

Now boil a cup of water, when water start boiling then mixes ½ tsp of this masala and ½ tsp of sugar candy in it. Let the water boil for 2 minutes and then add 1 cup of milk in it. Drink this masala tea 3-4 days daily to treat cough cold and nasal catarrh. It fills new energy and enthusiasm in you as well. So drink it twice a day.

Second Remedy : Garlic
Garlic contains many antiviral and antibacterial qualities which makes him a special remedy. With that garlic increases immunity and opens breathing tube as well.

To use garlic, boil 4-5 chopped garlic cloves in a cup of water. After boiling leave the water to cool and then mix 1tsp of Honey in it. You should follow this solution 2-3 times in a day to eliminate cough and cold.

Third Remedy : Honey
Like Garlic, honey also contains many Enzymes, Antibacterial and Antiviral properties, with that honey removes dryness of throat and help to treat cough and cold. So, mix ½ tsp of lemon juice in 1tsp of Honey and take it. This solution removes cough, cleans breathing tube and makes throat fresh too. That’s why follow this easiest and useful remedy of honey to cure cough and cold.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Treat Common Cold using Home Remedies ... 
Accurate Precise Treatment of Cough Cold and Nasal Catarrh
Accurate Precise Treatment of Cough Cold and Nasal Catarrh
Fourth Remedy : Ginger
Take a small piece of ginger and 5-6 black pepper, grind them together and then add 2tsp of honey in this mixture. Consume 1 -1tsp of this mixture 3 times in a day. But remember don’t eat or drink anything over this mixture for at least 30 minutes. This mixture treats cough cold and nasal catarrh soon.

Other Tips :
-    You can prepare a brew as well, and for this you need to boil 5 cloves, some salt and 10-15 wheat bran in 1 glass of water till it remains half. Drink this brew twice a day regularly.

-    We all use red onion at home, the syrup of this red onion helps to cure cough and cold. So, cut 2-3 onion in round slice. Now take a utensil and put 1 slice of onion in it, then mix 1 tsp of honey in it. Again put other slice of onion and again add 1tsp of honey. Repeat it for all onion slices and then leave the container for 15 hours. Your syrup will be ready to use after 15 hours. So take 1tsp of this syrup in morning and 1tsp in evening.

-    Grind Cinnamon and Nutmeg in same quantity and mix them to prepare your powder. Take ½ tsp of this powder twice a day to remove cough and cold.

Friends, Cough and cold are common diseases but if you ignore them and don’t treat them in time then they may turn in dangerous diseases quickly. Cold comes with many diseases like headache, fever, body pain and cough as well. So, don’t ignore these diseases and treat them in time. Today in this post we tell you some amazing remedies to cure them so follow them because they have no side effects.

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