Sanity and Smoke Testing, Benefits and levels of smoke testing and sanity testing

Sanity and Smoke Testing:

Smoke testing is like a “Build Verification Testing”, Mean it verify the major part of software quickly. It did not check software from the depth. Sanity testing is used to confirm the most important functions are working properly or not.

            This testing is done manually or the automated. If any test case fail for any major part then it resend for the development and process stop till then or if it pass then proceed for next step. Smoke testing generally save time consuming in development. Smoke testing is used to discover the integration issues. This testing uncovers the problems or issues so early. Level of Confidence has been improved with the test of major parts of software.
Smoke or Sanity Testing
Smoke Testing

Benefits of Sanity or Smoke Testing:
i.                    Integration Bugs: - Smoke testing is used to find out the uncover integration testing issues. Issues found on the level of Integration. Testing test the integration module for all major parts and test the changes and find ot the bugs.
ii.                  Uncover the Issue Early: - Smoke testing found the uncover error so early. As it needs to test all integration so he found the bugs on time.
iii.                Increase the Level of confidence : To doing this mean When user confirm the changes on integration level and reports the bugs then his level of confidence has been increased.
iv.                Time Saver: Time is very costly thing in software development life cycle. Time should be saved by hook or cook. Smoke testing is very useful to save time of developer and Testers.

Levels where Smoke testing is applicable: Smoke or Sanity testing generally used in System Testing, Integration Testing and Acceptance testing.

Notable Point: You need to consider smoke testing as a substitute of functional testing or regression testing. It is spare process. Functional and Regression testing is required and important on their places but smoke testing will be done on its own place.

smoke testing, sanity testing, real world scenario, importance of smoke testing, importance of sanity testing, build verification Testing, benefits of sanity or smoke testing

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