Simple Home Treatment for Lower Back Waist Pain

Simple Home Treatment for Lower Back Waist Pain
Friends, back pain is not a disease, it signifies the weakness of our bones and body, and the main reason of this pain is changing lifestyle and food. With the sitting on chair whole day in office, driving a car or bike and study lying are also cause back pain. A person feels unbearable pain in back pain, but today we are here with some simple home treatments and yoga which helps to treat lower back pain permanently.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Solutions to Relieve Teeth Ache Pain by Deshi Remedies ...
Simple Home Treatment for Lower Back Waist Pain
Simple Home Treatment for Lower Back Waist Pain
Home Remedies for Back Pain :
·         First Remedy : Take 100g of garlic and 250g of raw olive oil. Now peel the garlics and chop them. Keep these chopped garlic in a glass utensil and fill olive oil in it and then store the utensil for 2 weeks in dark room. Remember shake the bottle time to time as well. Open the bottle after 2 weeks and strain your oil. You need to massage with this oil daily to treat back pain.

·         Second Remedy : Soak 60g of wheat grains in water for whole night, next day mix 30g of Khaskhas and 30g of coriander in it and grind. Add this mixture in a glass of mix and boil. Consume this drink daily for 2 weeks, this strengthens bone, fills power in body and removes backache.

·         Third Remedy : Boil some cabbage leaves in 1 glass of milk till milk remain half. Now take out the leaves and tie on your waist for 20 to 30 minutes.

·         Fourth Remedy : Ginger contains some anti-inflammatory components which helps to treat back pain. So, boil some ginger pieces in a glass of water till it remains 1 cup. Now leave the water to cool, then add honey in it and drink.

Yoga Exercises to Remove Back Waist Pain :
§  Sphinx Pose : Lie on your stomach first and keep your legs together. Now take your elbows below shoulder and then touch on floor. With that touch your toe on floor as well and stretch your leg muscles. Raise your head up slowly, but don’t put pressure on your waist.

§  Reclining Big Toe Pose : Place your met on flow and lie on it. Keep your legs straight, loose your body and take a deep breath in. Now take your right knee to your stomach and then straighten it up slowly. Hold your toe. You may found to do this pose in starting but keep practicing. Repeat it with other leg as well.
Home Remedies for Back Pain
Home Remedies for Back Pain
§  Knee Down Twist Pose : Lie on flow and open your both hands. Then bend your left knee and take it to your right. Put some pressure on right knee. Remember you have to bend you head and body opposite to your knee as well. You will feel strain in your leg and waist muscles. Repeat it with other leg.

Friends these are some remedies and yoga exercises to treat back pain. So, if you also suffering with weakness in body, back pain or stagnant then follow them and get benefited.

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