Practice Head Stand for 5 Minute Daily to Stay Health and Diseases Free

Practice Head Stand for 2-5 Minute Daily to Stay Health and Diseases Free
Friends, there are lots of asana in Yogasana; from them some removes tension while other makes digestive system healthy. But head stand is that asana which removes many big problems to keep you healthy, that’s why it is said that everyone should practice head stand for 5 minutes daily whether with the support of wall or without support.  Western Countries calls it Inversion Therapy and head stand is a big part of treatment there. Today we are going to tell you the right way to practice Head Stand and it amazing benefits.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW What is Bow Pose and Its Priceless Benefits ...
Practice Head Stand for 2-5 Minute Daily to Stay Health and Diseases Free
Practice Head Stand for 2-5 Minute Daily to Stay Health and Diseases Free
Right Way to Practice Head Stand :
§  Step 1 : Place your met on a flat place first and then sit in diamond pose.

§  Step 2 : Now bend forward, place your knees on ground and interlock your fingers.

§  Step 3 : Put your head on the palm of your hands to support your head.

§  Step 4 : Then lift your legs straight up, maintain your balance and keep your breath normal.

§  Step 5 : Try to straighten your legs in air and stay in this pose for some time. Then take your legs down and back to diamond pose.

Benefits of Head Stand :
·         Good for Skin : Because we have to stand on head to practice head stand, that’s why this pose makes blood flow towards head and face, this gives extra oxygen and blood to face. With that it opens blood flow to removes impurities. So if you practice head pose daily then it makes your skin shiny and young.

·         Improves Memory Power : As we said that this pose improves blood flow in brain that’s why brain gets pure, nutrition and oxygen rich blood, which helps to improve memory power, increase confidence and removes fear from heart, so every student must practice this asana.

·         Turns Hair Black : Head stand strengthens the roots of hair and makes them healthy. This stops hair fall, white hair and light hairs.

·         Boost Power : The regular practice of head stand fills a new strength and energy in body. This gives new strength to lower back and inner thigh, with that it gives new power to muscles too. 

·         Keeps Bones Healthy : Head Stand makes bones strong and treats Osteoporosis, joint pain and inflammation. So practice this asana daily.

·         Removes Stress : As blood flow increases in brain, it calms brains and remove stress. This is because head stand decrease cortisol hormone. That’s why this pose is good for those who are suffering with epilepsy and dizziness.
Right Way to Practice Head Stand
Right Way to Practice Head Stand
Cautions :
-    Those who have heart or blood pressure problem should not practice head stand.

-    With that if you are suffering with eye problems then avoid this pose.

-    If you are feeling dizziness, over eat and stomach or neck ache then don’t practice this pose.

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