What is Bow Pose and Its Priceless Benefits

What is Bow Pose and Its Priceless Benefits
Friends, bow pose is that asana of yoga pranayama which practice on stomach. To practice this yoga we need to shape our body like bow and that’s why it is known as bow pose. This yoga pose has many health benefits and if you want to get all its benefits then practice Cobra Pose and Grasshopper Pose first. So let’s first know how to practice this pose and what its benefits are.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Learn the Eight Limbs of Yoga Ashtanga Yogasana and Its Importance ...
What is Bow Pose and Its Priceless Benefits
What is Bow Pose and Its Priceless Benefits
How to Do Bow Pose :
Place a mat on floor first and lie on stomach. Then bend your knee, touch your heels on your butts and hold your ankles by hands. After this take your head and legs up and stay in this position. Take a deep breath in and release slowly in bow pose. Get back in normal pose after 20 seconds and repeat it 3 to 5 times.

Priceless Benefits of Bow Pose :
·         Removes Obesity : Bow pose is best pose to reduce obesity so practice this pose daily, it cuts extra fat from body and make your active and healthy.

·         Beneficial in Diabetes : Those who are suffering with diabetes, they should practice these pose because this actives pancreas and helps in the flow of insulin which helps in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

·         Removes Spinal Pain : This pose is good for spine and is known to remove spinal pain. Actually bow pose stretches ligaments, muscles and nerves and this gives new life to spinal column.

·         Treats Asthma : Bow pose is good for asthma patients because it stretches chest and increase its workability. So if you are asthma patients then practice this pose.
How to Do Bow Pose
How to Do Bow Pose
·         Good for Digestive System : The best part of this pose is that it is good for digestion, so you can get all the nutrients from food and stay fit and diseases free.

·         Makes you Beautiful : The regular practice of this pose purifies blood and keep it dilute, this removes pimples, acne, fine lines and wrinkles to make your glowing attractive and beautiful.

Friends, this is how you can practice bow pose and gets its benefits. So, practice this pose daily and regularly.

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