What to Eat in Pregnancy and What not to Eat

What to Eat in Pregnancy and What not to Eat
Friends, balanced and nutrition rich food is very important for a pregnant women and for the health and growth of her child, because everything a pregnant woman eats that directly affect the child in her womb and that’s why it is important to have a perfect diet chart for her, that helps in safe delivery and keeps the child mentally and physically fit. This post is for every pregnant woman because today we are going to tell you what a pregnant woman should eat and what not.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Some Home Remedies to Abort Child at Home ...
What to Eat in Pregnancy and What not to Eat
What to Eat in Pregnancy and What not to Eat
What to Eat in Pregnancy :
·         Water :  It is important to nourish every part of body in pregnancy, so eat 3-4 glass of water daily. Remember boil the water first, then leave it to cool and only then drink it. You can drink coconut oil and other fruits juice too.

·         Iron :  If you have anemia during pregnancy then add iron rich food products in your diet like broccoli, spinach, soya bean and blackberry etc. 

·         Fiber : Eat fiber in pregnancy because fiber removes constipation and other stomach problems. So add brown bread, dates, green vegetables, brown rice and fruits in your diet. 

·         Carbohydrate : Carbohydrate fills energy in body which is very important for a pregnant woman. So add potato, rice, bread or other carbohydrate filled food products in your diet because this increases fat.

·         Calcium : Calcium strengthens bones and reduces the problems cause during delivery, that’s why drink 2 glass of milk, curd and almond daily.

·         Iodine : Iodine is very helpful for the growth of child’s mind. Actually lack of iodine cause mental problems so don’t forget to add iodine in your diet.

·         Protein : It is important to add protein in your diet because protein is necessary for the growth of child’s body parts and muscles. With that protein helps in growth of woman’s womb as well.

What not to Eat in Pregnancy :
·         Raw Musty Food : A pregnant woman must not eat raw must food because musty food contains virus and bacteria which is very unhealthy for both mother and child.

·         Smoking and Alcohol : Not just in pregnancy but you should never drink alcohol, smoke or intoxicate because it harms womb and affects child as well.

·         Hot Food : Avoid hot natured food during pregnancy because these foods are unhealthy for blood circulation, womb and child as well. Remember tea and coffees are also hot by nature so stay away from them as well.

·         Papaya : Eat vitamin c rich food but stay away from papaya because papaya cause miscarriage.
What to Eat in Pregnancy
What to Eat in Pregnancy
·         Packed Food : After three months some moments start in pregnant woman’s womb because this is time of making baby’s body parts, eyes and kidney. So don’t eat oily, spicy and packed food in and after third month of pregnancy.

·         Wash and then Eat :  Remember don’t eat any fruit or vegetable without washing them because pollution and dirt sticks on them and may cause health problem.

Friends, today we told you what a pregnant woman should eat and what not. So, if you are also pregnant or any of your family lady is pregnant then remember these things.

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