Try These Home Remedies to Treat Food Poisoning Naturally

Try These Home Remedies to Treat Food Poisoning Naturally
Friends, due to the changing diet, today many people are suffering with food poisoning. The main reason of this is bacteria and virus in food products. If you want to remove these toxins from body then you should drink more water daily. With that today we are here with 10 such home remedies which treat food poisoning naturally. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Immediate Relieve in Stomach Gas and Pain ...
Try These Home Remedies to Treat Food Poisoning Naturally
Try These Home Remedies to Treat Food Poisoning Naturally
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Food Poisoning :
Ginger : Ginger helps to removes every digestive problems. So, to treat food poisoning mix 1tsp of Honey in ½tsp of Ginger juice and consume it 2-3 times a day. 

Apple Cider Vinegar : The acids of Apple cider vinegar makes alkaline effects in body, which removes the symptoms of food poisoning. So take 1 cup of lukewarm water, and then add 2tsp of apple cider vinegar in it and drink.

Fenugreek and Curd : The antibacterial components of fenugreek fights with food poisoning bacteria. So grind 1tsp of fenugreek, mix it in curd and eat. This treats stomach ache and vomit too.

Lemon Water : Lemon is rich with anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, which cures food poisoning. So take 1tsp of Lemon juice and mix 1 pinch of sugar in it. Consume this mixture thrice a day.

Basil : Basil also helps to remove food poisoning, so take out juice from basil leaves and mix some honey in it. Consume this mixture 3 times in a day. You can add coriander juice in it as well.

Garlic : Garlic also contains many anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, which makes garlic good to treat food poisoning. So grind 1 garlic clove and mix it in a glass of water and drink.

Banana : Banana cleans stomach to removes indigestion, with that it contains potassium too which helps to remove toxins from body. So, eat a banana daily but sprinkle some halite over it first.
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Food Poisoning
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Food Poisoning
Cumin : If you are feeling discomfort because of food poisoning or you have stomach inflammation then mix 1tsp of cumin and some salt in 1 cup of hot water and drink it. 

Honey : Everyone knows honey contains anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and that’s why honey is used to cure many harmful diseases. So eat 1tsp of honey daily to remove every stomach problem.

Mint Tea : Mint tea is good to clean stomach, removes gastric problem, inflammation, infection and indigestion. So, drink herbal mint tea in place of milk or green tea.

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