The Healing Qualities of 7 Colors of Sun Light Rays Bath

Qualities of Sun Light
We are living in a modern world where everybody is busy in their work and when they come to spend some time for their health they used to take a massage instead of sun bath. Sunbathe has such a great qualities that its rays helps us to cure lots of illness and today we are going to discuss about them. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Benefits and Precaution during Sun Bath Sunbathe Dhup Snan ... 
The Healing Qualities of 7 Colors of Sun Light Rays Bath
The Healing Qualities of 7 Colors of Sun Light Rays Bath
Healing by Colors of Sunlight :
There are seven natural color ( Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Violet, Indigo ) in Sun light, Red is the darkest color, Green is neutral and Blue is coldest color. The all makes a white beam of sunlight.

1.       Every creature in this earth needs sun light to build their energy.

2.       Its rays provide Vitamin D to our body.

3.       Sun light is more important to live a health life.

4.       It deals with skin disease.

5.       It is very important for babies to grow.

6.       It can also help us to improve our immune system.

7.       It can help us to reduce the cholesterol of our body.

Treatment using 7 Colors of Sun Light :
·         Sun Light Kills Bad Bacteria of body : Sun light kill bad bacteria of our body and it contains many antibiotic element that’s why we can use sun light to disinfect and heal wounds also. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Step by Step Procedure of Taking Sun Bath ... 
How Sunlight Keeps Us Fit
How Sunlight Keeps Us Fit
·         Reduces Cholesterol : Sun light can help in reducing blood cholesterol, actually it converted cholesterol into steroid hormones  and other hormones we need to reproduction.

·         Purify Blood and Blood Vessels :If we takes a sunbath daily it removes all the germs form our body and keeps it clean, with that sunlight gives us energy and other necessary materials like Vitamin D.

·         Improve Growth and Height : Regular sunbath helps in growth and increasing height especially in babies. The history has a fact that, the amount of sun bath you give to your baby in the first few months then it will be equal to his future growth.

·         Protects Skin Disorder : Sunlight has one more qualities that it protects us from skin disorders such as psoriasis, acne, eczema, and fungal infection to our skin.

·         Reduces Fat : If you takes regular amount of sun bath daily then it will burn all our unnecessary body fat especially belly fat.

·         Support the Immune system : The right amount of sunlight also supports our immune system and give power to fight with harmful diseases.

·         Builds Energy :  Everyone need energy to do their works, like trees need sunlight especially for photosynthesis, animals uses sunlight to keep their body warm, where humans uses sunlight in many ways. This all show that sunlight is a great source of energy.

But sun light can also harm or damage our skin as well; means if you take sunlight over to your capacity it will burn or damage your skin. To avoid this skin damage everyone should use sun’s cream or sun lotions which are easily available in the market.

Amazing Health Benefits of Sun Exposures
Amazing Health Benefits of Sun Exposures

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