Different Types of Yogasana and Their Benefits

Hand Foot Spine Posture ( Hast Paad Merudand Aasan )
-          This posture makes our liver and other stomach organs work properly.

-          Increase the concentration of mind and soul, this give balance to both of them also.

-          Removes the Gums of Intestines.

-          Gives Energy to all parts of our body.

Wheel Pose ( Chakrasana ) :
-          It is beneficial for our pulse and glands.

-          Removes all the problems related to women reproduction system.

-          Makes our back stomach and spine flexible and strong.

-          Gives strength to over muscles and that’s how it is good for all of over body. CLICK  HERE TO KNOW Order and Benefits of Yogasana and Pranayama ...  
Different Types of Yogasana and Their Benefits
Different Types of Yogasana and Their Benefits
Bipedal The Wheel Pose ( Dwi Paad Wheel Pose )  :
-          Bipedal Wheel Pose gives power to over foot and makes them shapely.

-          It also strengthens the muscles of chest and shoulders.

-          Makes blood circulation work properly.

-          Removes the extra fat from our body.

Dwi Paad Pawan Muktasana :
-          As the name suggests it removes the gastric problem instantly whether it is in stomach or joint.  

-          Makes our intestine more flexible and strong.

-          This asana also protects from heart problems.

Extensive Left Foot Posture ( Vistrat Vaam Paad Asana ) :
-          This asana never let your sperm tank finish.

-          Extensive Left Foot Posture has its effect on sexual glands as well.

-          Increases the circulation of blood in thighs.

-          That makes your foot stronger and powerful.

Bipedal Posture ( Dwi Paad Asana ) :
-          Strengthen prostate glands and pelvis.

-          Bipedal posture helps in glowing skin.

-          Increases appetite and Jathrani.

-          Some people have their problem that the eats healthy food but their body don’t reflects this, this asana removes their problem as well. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Benefits and Precautions during Sun Bath Sunbathe Dhup Snan ... 
Learn About Types of Yoga Asanas
Learn About Types of Yoga Asanas
Rescue Bipedal Asana ( Udhrav Dwi Paad Asana ) :
-          Gives power to stomach.

-          Makes digestive system work properly.

-          Removes constipation immediately.

-          Makes fart transmit in right direction.

Shoulder Stand ( Sarvangasana ) :
-          This is one of the best asana for whole body because it helps in development of body.

-          Cures all cough problems.

-          Circulate blood in brain which increases the work ability of it.

-          Removes all mental problems.

-          Increases Eyesight.

-          Glows faces and reflects immortality.

-          Gives Strength to shoulders and neck.

Plow Pose ( Halasana ) :
-          This asana has it effect on all organs of stomach like kidney, intestine, heart, liver, pancreas etc. Plow pose helps them in doing their work properly.

-          Removes Indigestion.

-          Increases the digestive power.

-          Burns fat and makes chest feel light.

-          Good in piles and sugar.

-          Makes vertebra more flexible and strong.

Fish Pose ( Matasya Asana ) :
-          It transmits all the frozen blood in spine.

-          Cures all the stomach problems.

-          Develops neck, chest, hand, legs and back as well.

-          Fish asana helps in maintaining celibacy.

Yoga for Beginners
Yoga for Beginners

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