Qualities and Uses of Natural Cooling Machine Coconut and Its Water

Coconut is most popular product in summer; you can see everyone enjoys its water to stay cool and energetic. The other name of coconut is Shreefal, it has both medicine qualities and spiritual importance as we. It contains potassium, fiber, calcium, magnesium, vitamin and other raw materials. The most important thing about coconut is that it doesn’t contain fat and cholesterol and that’s make him good for body. It reduces fat and cures many diseases. Today in this post we will tell you the uses of coconut. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Liquid Gold Honey Can Heal Your Whole Body and Problems ... 
Qualities and Uses of Natural Cooling Machine Coconut and Its Water
Qualities and Uses of Natural Cooling Machine Coconut and Its Water
Benefits and Uses of Coconut :
·         Cures Nose Bleeding Problem : Mostly child suffers from nose bleeding , but it can affect anyone. To cure this problem you need to use water of raw coconut daily and if you use it in empty stomach then it will be more beneficial for you.

·         Improves Memory Power : Coconut is good for students  because it helps in increasing memory power and sharpen brain, that’s why they need to make a mixture with copra, almonds, walnuts and sugar. Eating this will definitely helps your child.

·         Removes Acne and Pimples : To remove acne and pimples coconut may be the best natural remedy. For this you just need to mix coconut water and cucumber water, take this solution daily in morning and evening. It makes skin glow and remove all the pimples and acne. After some day you will notice your skin more attractive and beautiful. In other way prepare a solution of coconut oil, lemon juice and glycerin, mix it well and apply it on face as a paste.

·         Reduces Fat : Coconut has ability to burn or cut your fat or obesity. It doesn’t contain both cholesterol and fat that makes it a blessing for fat peoples. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Use Lemon to Free from Diseases and All Health Problems ... 
Benefits of Coconut to Cure Diseases
Benefits of Coconut to Cure Diseases
·         Treat Insomnia : If you have insomnia then take ½ glass of coconut water daily after dinner. It makes your body and brain relax and keeps you away from tension, all this benefits makes you sleep soon and by regular use of coconut for 1 month it will cure your problem insomnia. After this you won’t need to drink coconut water for sleep, but you can continue because it is good for your body.

·         Cure Headache : Headache is the most common problem in everyone, it just reflect how much of pressure you puts on your mind. To remove this mix coconut and almond oil in same quantity and massage you head for 10 to 15 minutes. You will feel relieve soon.

·         Remove Dandruff : Many of us has dandruff in hair but don’t worry coconut can remove this also. Mix coconut oil and lemon juice in bowl and apply it in the roots of dandruff.

·         Kills Stomach Worms : If anyone suffers from stomach worms then take 1 spoon of grinded coconut in you breakfast.

Coconut Oil Milk Paste
Coconut Oil Milk Paste

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