Preventions and Treatment of Mouth Sore at Home

Mouth Sore
Mouth sore is that problem in which patient has to suffer a lot of pain. In mouth sore or ulcer you found hard to eat or drink something, not just eat but you feels pain in opening your mouth as well. Today we will tell you some easy home tips to get rid of this problem easily and fast. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Home Aayurvedic Treatment to Cure Dizziness ... 
Preventions and Treatment of Mouth Sore at Home
Preventions and Treatment of Mouth Sore at Home
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Oral Sore :
·         Curd : Prepare curd from cow’s milk and mix a banana in it, now eat this mixture, soon you will see the benefits.

·         Glycerin : Take a small piece of alum and bake it mild, when alum cools down then mix some glycerin in it and apply this mixture on sore with the help of cotton. Let the saliva come out for some 2 – 3 minutes.

·         Buttermilk : Buttermilk is also helpful in curing oral sore, to use it you have to gargle with buttermilk in morning and evening. Follow this tip for 2 - 3 days.

·         Turmeric : Turmeric has numerous Aayurvedic and health benefits, you can apply it’s powder on you wounds and sores also. But the best way to use turmeric in sore is that mix some turmeric in a glass of water, keep the water for 20 – 25 minutes then filter it, after this you just need to gargle with this water to remove mouth ulcer or sores.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Aayurvedic Remedies to Cure Pyorrhoea Teeth Diseases ... 
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Oral Sore
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Oral Sore
·         Neem Tree : Like turmeric Neem tree also has its high place in Aayurveda and medical science. To use Neem tree in sores, burn its dry bark and prepare ashes, then mix some catechu in it. After this apply this mixture on sores twice a day.

·         Berry Leaves : Take 8 – 10 berry leaves and grind them with water to make a paste. Mix this paste in a glass of water and gargle twice a day.

·         Peepal Tree : Like Neem tree you can use peepal tree as well to cure mouth ulcer. Follow the same steps means prepare ashes from its dry bark and mix catechu to prepare a paste and then apply on sores twice a day.

·         Amla Juice : Amla juice is also beneficial in mouth sore, apply its juice on sores and let the saliva come out of mouth. The use of this remedy 2 or 3 time removes mouth sore completely.

How to Remove Mouth Sore Naturally
How to Remove Mouth Sore Naturally

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