Bring Happiness Love Enjoyment in Married Life Couple

Real Meaning of Husband and Wife
Family is like a car, which needs fuel, engine, steering and other things to run smoothly. But the most important thing is driver who drives this car; similarly husband is the driver of married life. He drives his home with carefully; his small mistake may harm his whole family or create problems. This looks easy to do but it is not so simple. No matter how much you earn but how you uses that money matters most. That’s why a husband needs partner called wife. Actually wife is the real navigator, her mind and intelligence makes everything easy and brings prosperity at home. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Maintain the Sweetness of Married Life Husband Wife ... 
Bring Happiness Love Enjoyment in Married Life Couple
Bring Happiness Love Enjoyment in Married Life Couple
Relation between Husband and Wife :
This is good to have harmony in family only then a family completes and this harmony in family increase love between couple. You may notice that the reflection of sound is sound; image is image similarly if you gives love then you will get love. If there is love between the couple then they fills whole family with love, but quarrel between them may fill the environment of family with negativity. Astrology also tells many reasons of quarrel and tension between husband and wife. These tension and differences ruins their personal life, sometime situation lose control as well and reaches to divorce.

Situation of Differences between a Couple :
-          Mars and Venus Joins : According to Astrology, if Venus or Mars join then they reflects bad effect on married life, this situation of planet changes the thinking of couple for physical relation, power and interest. From the couple man starts doing blemish and malleable works and women change her interest toward another man.

-          Mars in 7th Home : While if mars comes in 7th place or home then it shows his evil eyes and this situation rise the physical lust in man. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Simple Ways to Stop Quarrel in Married Life Couple ...
Real Meaning of Husband and Wife
Real Meaning of Husband and Wife
-          Mars and Venus in Centre : If Mars and Venus are in centre or if they are in 9th place then person uses unnatural ways to fulfill his lust or physical desire. That’s why see this situation in the person’s horoscope before marriage.

Matching of qualities in horoscope or being manglik is not all about horoscope but it tells every step of over life, that’s why remember many things before matching Kundali. If it is possible then use Trishaansh Horoscope because that tells the behavior of both boy and girl.

In married life Mars plays an important role, similarly every planet, every house plays big parts in our life like if you want to know about you education then this belongs to Jupiter, Child happiness belong to Venus and Murder Robbery etc relates to Raahu and Ketu.

Love Between Husband Wife
Love Between Husband Wife

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