How to Recognize Heart Attack One Month Before It Happens

Heart attack
There was a time when we thinks that Heart Attack is a disease of old age persons but today most of the young generation is also suffering from this deadly disease. Now persons are suffering from heart's disease and its start from teenage and this is the reason that, today heart attack's patients are increasing day-by-day. Well, aside of these sources, some doctors thinks that in some of cases, the symptoms can be seen before 1 month of heart attack and with these instructions patient should be contact hospitals and should start their treatment as soon as possible, so that doctors can stop the danger and save them from the mouth of death. Today we are going to tell you some of instructions Remedies and Ways by using them you will be able to protect yourself from Heart Attack. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Aayurveda Harmony of Body Mind and Soul ... 
How to Recognize Heart Attack One Month Before It Happens
How to Recognize Heart Attack One Month Before It Happens
Symptoms before Heart Attack:
·       Pain: Patient feel some pain in left side of back, below the chest, pain in teeth, gums, neck, and sometime feeling headache. Sometimes patient feel some of tiredness.

·       Weakness: Patient always feels some of weakness in their body, this is not only physical weakness but mentally also and they won't be able to help them self.

·       Problem in breathing: Besides of all these things their heart beats starts speed up, nose has closed and that is the reason of problem in breathing.

·       Problem in digestive system: Patient's digest system also affected by this disease; patient won't able to digest anything and this make the reason of acidity in their stomach. Patient also feels vomit and sometimes some patients vomit again and again as well.

·       Discomfort: Because of all these reasons patient feels uncomfortable and being stressful. Their head is start spins and they begin to feel sick.

·       Pressure: Patient feel pressure on their upper part of back and chest, they think that someone is pressuring their chest or keep something weight on their chest, they also feel that something is fork then around their heart. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Ways to Have a Good General Healthy Body ...  
Classic Heart Attack Symptoms
Classic Heart Attack Symptoms
·       Rib pain: With the pressure on chest patient also feels pain in their left side ribs and also feels some of pain around ribs but after sometime this pain has been recover itself.

·       Feeling heat hot: As you know that when we feel heat then our body produced hot sweat but heart's patient is all different in this case. When heart's patient feels heat then they produced cold sweat. This is the common symptoms that comes in every patient and can identify so easily.

·       Snores: Snores are so common while sleeping but patients of heart attack takes loud snores and make so much noise. Sometimes they disturbed their own sleep too because of their snores and were not able to complete their sleep so they also disturbed in their personal life and feels epilepsy.

·       Swelling: Because heart attack is a heart's related disease, so this problem also disturbed heart's activities, it means patient feels unable to pump the blood in whole body and because blood cannot reach to some of places so they start swelling. Legs swelling are most common in this heart's disease.

Avoid these mistakes: After finding any above symptoms patient should be avoiding these mistakes.
Heart Problem Warning Signs
Heart Problem Warning Signs
§  Do not give him anything to eat or drink: When patient suffering from heart attack then do not give him or her anything to eat or drink because these things can make critical situation.

§  Give patient Aspirin: Aspirin is used for clout the blood, so gave it immediately to patient. But take doctor’s suggestion first because sometimes it could effects patients.

§  Press patient's chest: While patient is suffering from heart attack then their pulse rate becomes very down and in this condition you should press patient's chest, but before this you should learn the right way and right technique to press the chest.

§  Do not give him/her support: When anyone has became sick then we carry them in hospitals and then also we gave them support but is this case this is totally opposite. So, when any patient suffers from heart's disease, then remember that never gave him support rather than their heart's pressure can be increased and their situation may be critical.

§  Wear loose clothes: Tight and uncomfortable clothes always increases problems, so keep patient in comfortable and loose clothes and keep him straight while carrying to hospitals. This will gave them more comfort and they will feel some relax as well.
Spot Heart Attack Chances
Spot Heart Attack Chances

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