Different Types of Testing, Formal Verification Testing, Equivalence Partitioning Testing

Formal Verification Testing: Confirming the process of approving or disproving the rightness of proposed algorithms decided a project with respect to a certain formal property or specification, using suitable techniques of arithmetic. This testing usually conducted by QA Team.

  1. Fault Injection Testing: Here Test Engineers will concentrate on the way which will help him to handle the exception when the application is under testing. This testing is also performed by the QA Teams.
  2. Equivalence Partitioning Testing: This technique divides the input software test data into equal partitions so that test cases can execute properly with them. This testing also done by the QA Team.
  3.  Exploratory Testing: This is type of black box testing and performed without documentation and planning. This always conducted by the manual testers.
  4. Endurance Testing: To test the problems which can occur due to prolonged execution i.e. Memory leaks etc. is called endurance testing. This testing also conducted by the performance engineers.
  5. End – To – End Testing: This testing clearly means that complete system testing done with all the possible scenarios i.e. database testing, front end testing, third party integration testing and interacting with other hardware result. This testing usually done by the QA Team Engineers.
  6. Error – Handling Testing: This testing confirm the stability of system mean system can handle the error or not if yes then how much and type of error can be handle by system itself. This testing is performed by the Test Engineers.
  7. Domain Testing: This is the type of white box testing. This testing will check the system execution with valid input. This testing occasionally done by the automation team and usually it performed by the software engineers team.
  8. Dynamic Testing: This testing is performed by the manual testing team. Main motive of this testing is to confirm the dynamic behavior of developed code by developers.
  9. Dependency Testing: This testing verifies the current system requirement with pre-existing system software, in order to make similar functionality and proper working version. This testing is done by the test team engineers.
  10. Destructive Testing: This testing conducted by the QA team. This testing is done to confirm the material behavior or structural performance under different – 2 loads for a example system. So this testing will find out the scale of specimen’s failure.
  11. Decision Coverage Testing: This testing is based on condition/decision by setting the true/false values for each condition. Generally this testing done or used by automation testing team.
  12. Conversion Testing: When system software is converted with new system software then confirms the used data in new system is called the conversion testing. This testing is also done by the QA team engineers.
  13. Context Driven Testing: This testing conducted by the Agile Test Engineers. Actually this is an Agile testing technique.
Conformance Testing: This is like an acceptance testing mean to confirm the specifications which are provided in requirement and satisfying by the developed system or not.

different type of testing, manual tester, performance engineers, qa team, dependency testing, destructive testing, dynamic testing, decision coverage testing, context driven testing, conformance testing

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