Secret of Most Beautiful Alcoholic and Attractive Eyes

Secret of Most Beautiful Alcoholic and Attractive Eyes
Friends, today we will tell you the secret of attractive eyes. But to keep your eyes beautiful you need to concentrate on eye exercise, healthy food and the beauty of eyelashes and eyebrows too, only then your eyes will reflect your heart feeling and fix everyone’s eyes on you. So to make your eyes alcoholic and drunk read this post till the end.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Just in One Single Night Remove Dark Circle From Under Eyes ... 
Secret of Most Beautiful Alcoholic and Attractive Eyes
Secret of Most Beautiful Alcoholic and Attractive Eyes
Home Remedies for Attractive Eyes :
·         Drop 2 drops of Rosewater in your eyes before bed at night, this keeps eyes fresh.

·         Mash some papaya and then mix ½ tsp of Honey. Apply this paste on eyes for 10 minutes and then wash. This enhances the beauty of eyes soon.

·         Almond and Milk are also helpful to make eyes beautiful, so soak some almonds in water for whole night. Next day peel their cover off and then mix some milk in it to prepare a paste. Apply this paste on your eyes, this removes dark circles under eyes and makes your eyes look more attractive.

·         The easiest way to make eyes look beautiful is sleep, because closed eyes gives natural moisturizer to eyes and removes eyes fatigue.

Exercise for Drunk Eyes :
-    Sit straight in chair and take your left hand fist in front of you. Then, focus on your thumb and slowly move it towards left side. Remember you have to move your eyeballs with thumb not head. After this do the whole process again with your right hand also. 

-    Sit in Lotus Pose and move your eyes left to right and then upward to downwards.

-    You should also do Head pose also because this improves the blood circulation in eyes and makes your skin tight and young.

Food for Attractive Beautiful Eyes :
The most important nutrient for eyes is Vitamin A, so eat vitamin A rich food regularly like Butter, Salad, Tomato, Cheese, Milk and Carrot Juice. This gives a new glow and charm to your eyes and you will feel it soon as well.

Where if your eyes are swelling and have dark circles under eyes then you should add vitamin B12 rich food in your diet like green vegetables, eggs, milk and fish.

Make Your Eyebrows and Eyelashes Thick :
Eyebrows and Eyelashes also helps to make your eyes drunk and intoxicated for this you should follow these home remedies.
Attractive Drunk Eyes Tips
Attractive Drunk Eyes Tips
First Remedy : Lemon Peel
Lemon Peel amazingly helps to increase eyebrows and eyelashes. So, squeeze a lemon and leave it to dry. After this keep this dry lemon peel in olive for some time and then rub lightly on your eyes. Apply this on your eyes before bed and then wash off with water.

Second Remedy : Fenugreek
As fenugreek makes hair thick and shiny, similarly fenugreek is good to keep eyebrows healthy too. So soak some fenugreek seed in water for whole night and prepare its paste next day. Apply this paste on your Eyes for 4-5 minutes and then wash it off after cool water.

Third Remedy : Onion Juice
Onion makes food sweet and tasty but you can use this onion to make your eyebrows thick and attractive also. To use onion, you need to take its juice and then apply on your eyelashes and eyebrows using cotton. Rinse Your face after 15 minutes with cold water.

Friends, eyes are the center of our facial attraction, if your eyes are shiny drunk and intoxicated then it fixes everyone’s eyes on you. But for attractive eye, it is important to care your eyes as well and today we show you how you can make your eyes attractive, beautiful and drunk. So follow these tips as well.

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