How to Look Young and Beautiful Even in Old Ages With Amazing and Easy Face Yoga

How to Look Young and Beautiful Even in Old Ages …! With Amazing and Easy Face Yoga
Friends, work stress, ageing, pollution and everyday tension has its direct effect on the face and cause wrinkles and dry skin. Growing age is a natural process which you can’t stop but you can slow down ageing effect by practising some anti ageing face yoga. But what is Face Yoga?

Actually Face Yoga is movements of Face Muscles, which improves Blood Circulation, tightens Cheeks, eyes, neck and forehead muscles, removes wrinkles and fine lines and reduces the effect of ageing. That’s why Face Yoga Keeps you Young and Beautiful even in old age too, so practice face yoga at least for 10-15 minutes. For this you don’t need money and special place, you can practice face yoga anywhere you want.

Balloon Pose Face Yoga :
Removes Wrinkle :
To remove wrinkles take deep breath and fill air in your mouth like balloon as much as possible. Stay in this Pose for 5-7 seconds and then release. Repeat this process 5 to 7 times, this yoga tightens skin and remove wrinkle, not just this it is a good exercise for Lungs too. 

Smile Fish Face Yoga :
Makes Cheeks and Lips Beautiful :
Smile Fish Face Yoga makes Cheeks and Lips look beautiful, for this you need to drag your cheeks inside and make your face like fish and stay in that pose. Repeat it for 5 minutes, this yoga cuts extra fat from face, improves Blood circulation and makes cheek and lips red. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Benefits of Facial Steaming ... 
How to Look Young and Beautiful Even in Old Ages With Amazing and Easy Face Yoga
How to Look Young and Beautiful Even in Old Ages With Amazing and Easy Face Yoga

Lion Face Yoga :
Keeps You Young
Lion Face Yoga keeps you Young and beautiful for whole life. So, sit in Diamond Pose and place your hand on floor. Then take out your tongue as much as possible and roar like a lion. Repeat it 3-4 times, but remember open your mouth and take out your tongue as much you can. 

Puppet Face Yoga :
Removes Lines from Nose and Lips
You may also noticed some lines around your Nose and Lips which affects your beauty, to get rid of them you should practice puppet face yoga. So, make laughing face and then massage raised portion. This yoga removes these lines soon.

Buddha Face Yoga :
Brings Glow on Your Face
Keep yourself calm and sit in Diamond Pose, then close your eyes and concentrate between your eyebrows. Remember have a smile during this yoga, this yoga glows your face and makes you look attractive.

Laughter Pose :
Get Pink Cheeks and Good Health
Do you know laughing exercises more than 600 muscles, increase oxygen in lung and purifies Blood too. Not just this if gives you pinkish cheeks so laugh as much as you can. 

So Friends, practice these face yoga regularly for atleast 15 minutes daily and stay young and beautiful for whole life.

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