Some Amazing Benefits of Fennel Seeds

Some Amazing Benefits of Fennel Seeds
Friends, everyone likes sweet taste and smell of fennel and it’s an amazing to eat Fennel Sugar candy mixture after meal. Actually there are 2 types of fennel, first small and second is big. Small Fennel keeps Digestive System healthy, while big helps in treating diseases. Today we are telling you some amazing use of fennel so let's know about them. 

Some Amazing Benefits of Fennel :
First Remedy : Boost Eyesight
Fennel contains Vitamin C, Amino Acid, Cobalt, Magnesium and Flavonoids, which keeps eyes healthy. The regular use of fennel protects Mecula. So take 100g of Fennel powder, 100g Coriander Powder, 100g Sugar Candy and 10 Cardamom. Grind all of them to prepare a powder and consume 1tsp of this powder twice a day with Milk. This Remedy increase eyesight and remove eye diseases like cataract and flu. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Secret of Full Youth and Amazing Uses of Garlic ... 
Some Amazing Benefits of Fennel Seeds
Some Amazing Benefits of Fennel Seeds

Second Remedy : Keeps Respiratory System Healthy
Fennel melts Lungs, throat and nose cough, with that it Detox body, that’s why fennel is good to treat many diseases. So boil 2tsp Fennel, 1tsp Liquorice and 1 Big Cardamom in 1 Cup of Water and Drink. Drink it 2-3 times a day to get rid of Cough, Headache, Eye Burn and Lung Problem etc. 

Third Remedy : Quit Smoking
If you want to quit Smoking then take 4tsp of Fennel and mix 2tsp Black salt and 8tps of Carom in it. Now Soak it in Lemon Juice and Leave to Dry. Keep this mixture in your pocket and eat ½ tsp of it, when you want to smoke or tobacco. Suck its Juice because this juice helps to quit addiction, with that it keeps digestive system healthy too.

Fourth Remedy : Lose Weight
Yes, if you want to lose your weight with hardwork then fennel drink is best choice for you. To prepare this drink Boil ½ tsp of Fennel in 2 Cup of Water. Drink it regularly, you will feel change within a week but follow it for 3 months. 

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