Home Remedies for Night Blindness

Home Remedies for Night Blindness
Friends, Eyes are important parts of our body, but pollution and changing lifestyles are affecting our eyes and causing eye problems like Night Blindness. Night Blindness is such a disease in which patient found hard to view anything after sun set. Some black yellow spots block eye lens and makes hard to view anything. If you ignore this problem then it may make you blind so use these home remedies.

Home Remedies for Night Blindness :
First Remedy :
Take 2g Sugar candy and 2g of baked Cumin, now mix them in 5g of cow Ghee and eat twice a day. With that drink Buttermilk too. This solution removes white water and nigh blindness spots from eyes.

Second Remedy :
Night Blindness affects Eye Lens first, so grind 2 garlic cloves and mix some honey in it. Eat this mixture daily to protect eye lens. Actually Garlic keeps eye lens healthy and honey protects it from infection and spots. You can use Honey as Kajal in your eyes too, it is good in both night blindness and cataracts.

Third Remedy :
Grind 1 handful Coriander Leaves and take out their juice. Now drop 2 drops of it in your both eyes to treat night blindness. But use fresh coriander daily.

Fourth Remedy :
Night Blindness causes Swelling and Burn around eyes, which worse the situation so use dry coriander to cure it. Boil 10g of Dry Coriander in 1½ glass of water well, and then strain it in a glass and leave to cool. Now wash your eye with it to get instant relief.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Home Remedies to Treat Anaemia ... 
Home Remedies for Night Blindness
Home Remedies for Night Blindness

Other Solutions :
-    Cardamoms too are good for eyes so, take boil 2 cardamoms daily and drink it. This solution boosts eye power to get rid of diseases. 

-    Take some rosewater and mix 1tsp of cucumber juice and pomegranate juice in it. Now drop 1-1 drop of it in your both eyes. 

-    In addition to these, white onion juice, cow urine and coach grass also helps in treating night blindness. 

Causes of Night Blindness :
-    Lack of Vitamin E in Body
-    Working Under Sun
-    Dry Cornea
-    Working on Computer and Mobile
-    Pollution and
-     Careless nature towards Eyes

Symptoms of Night Blindness :
-    Cloudy Vision after sunset
-    Swelling and Pock on Eyelids
-    Tight Eyebrows
-    Black Yellow spots around Eyes and
-    White water in Eyes

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