Never Eat These Foods at Night

Never Eat These Foods at Night
Friends, often we eat such foods before bed at night that is harmful for our health. These foods spoil your sleep and you stay awake for whole night, not just this it causes many diseases in your body too. So, let’s know about these foods which should avoid before bed at night.

Avoid These Foods At Night :
·         Coffee : Coffee contains caffeine which draws a direct impact on brain and vanishes sleep, that’s why those people drink coffee who have to work for continuous hours. So, if you have coffee before bed then you will toss and turn on bed for whole night, it may cause insomnia too.

·         Tomato Sauce : Tomato sauce make an acid in stomach, which slows down digestive system and it become hard to digest sauce at night.

·         Rice and Meat : Rice are cold by nature and if you eat rice at night then it may cause respiratory problems too. Rice at night is poison for Asthma and Diabetic Patients. Meat is best source of protein and instant energy, but it is hard to digest it before bed. So if you eat meat at night it stops you to sleep.

·         Fruits : Yes Fruits, actually fruit contains natural sugar which need time to digest, so if you eat fruits before bed, it pressures and harms digestive system. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Benefits of Facial Steaming ... 
Never Eat These Foods at Night
Never Eat These Foods at Night

·         Junk Food : Oily Spicy food contains saturated fat, which is heavy and cause acidity, Nausea, gastric and Burning stomach problem, with that it harms digestive system too.

·         Alcohol and Soda : Many of us thought alcohol gives good sleep, but this is wrong because alcohol affects the natural process of sleep. People who drink and sleep don’t feel energy and freshness next day too. Actually drunk people lose their sense and their brains stops reacting which make them fell on bed and we thought they are sleeping.

·         Carom : Caroms are hot by nature, so if you eat carom at night it increase urine and thrust. That means you will have to sit in bathroom for whole night.

·         Coconut Oil : Coconut oil is rich source of Potassium and Sodium which needs physical activities to digest but you can’t exercise much at night, that flatulence and you found hard to sleep.

In addition to these ignore beans, spicy food, watermelon, non vegetarian food, cucumber, nuts, pasta, noodle, chips, toffee, candy, bread, corns, pizza, ice cream and dark chocolate at night. All these are harmful to eat at night, so stay away from them.

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