An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away 
Friends, You may also heard that 1 Apple Keeps the Doctors Away, but only some people follow this line because they are unaware of apples qualities. Actually Apple is full of Anti oxidant qualities, polyphenols, and flavonoids, which keeps heart healthy. Eating 1 Apple daily fulfils the requirement of Protein, Vitamin, Minerals and Fiber. So, eat 1 apple daily, with that you can drink apple tea too. Today we will tell you how you can prepare apple tea at home and How Apple Tea Keeps Doctors Away :

First Use : Nectar of Earth - Apple Tea
Material Required :
-    ½ Chopped Apple
-    2 Cloves
-    ½ Litre of Water
-    ½ tsp Tea and
-    ½ tsp Cinnamon

Process of Making Tea :
Step 1 : To prepare Apple Tea, take ½ litre water in frying pen and Boil.

Step 2 : Add ½ Chopped Apple, 2 Cloves, Tea Leaves, ½ tsp Cinnamon in it and let the mixture boil for 5 more minutes.

Step 3 : Now strain your tea and leave it to cool. After this add 1tsp of Honey in it and drink.

Take 1 cup of this tea daily and see its magic, it keeps doctor away for whole night. Actually Apple Tea keeps diseases away, cures arthritis, protest & colon cancer, controls Cholesterol, boost Immunity and increases oxygen level and makes body active. So start having this tea but breastfeeding and pregnant women must ignore it, if you antibiotics then consult your doctor first.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Home Remedies to Treat Anaemia ... 
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Second Use : Apple for Attractive and Beautiful Face
Apple not just gives healthy body but it makes skin look attractive and beautiful too. So take out 1tsp of apple juice and mix 2tsp of Honey in it. Apply this on your face for 20 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water. Follow this solution thrice a week to get glowing skin and stay young.

Third Use : Cures Anaemia and Strengthen Bones
Apple is Good source of Iron and increase blood in body, so take 1 apple and slice it. Now sprinkle some Black pepper and Halite over it and eat. After this drink 1 glass of milk, this strengthen bones and gives you fair and youthful skin.

Other Uses :
-    Most people peels apple before eating, but apple peels contains many nutrients which removes lung and respiratory problem, boost brain power, controls cholesterol, keeps eye healthy, remove kidney stone, lose weight and keeps teeth healthy. So always eat apple with their peels.

-    Many people works on computer for late night which cause insomnia, so cut 1 apple and boil in 1 glass of water. Leave the mixture to cool and then mash the boil apple in that boiled water. Now strain the drink, add some halite and drink. This relaxes mind and gives good sleep.

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