Some Surprising Benefits of Onion and Onion Tea

Some Surprising Benefits of Onion and Onion Tea
Friends, Every woman uses onion in her kitchen because onion increases color, smell and nutrients of food. Although when you cut onion, it brings water in your eyes but still everyone uses it. Onion contains 1.2% Protein, 11.1% Carbohydrate, 15% Vitamin, 0.1% Fat, and 46.9% Calcium, 0.4% Minerals, 0.6% Fiber, 0.7% Iron, 86.5mg Water, 50mg Phosphorous and 50mg Calorie. All these nutrients gives mental, physical and sexual strength so add onion in your diet.

Material Required to Prepare Onion Tea :
-    Onion
-    Lemon Juice
-    Honey
-    Tea Leaves or Green Tea

Process of Making Onion Tea :
Step 1 : Wash an Onion and cut into small pieces.

Step 2 : Now Boil these pieces of Onion in 2 Cup of Water and then add ½ tsp of Tea Leaves in it.

Step 3 : Let the Tea Cool. After this Mix ½ tsp of Lemon Juice and 1tsp of Honey in it. Your Tea is Ready.

Benefits of Onion Tea :
Onion tea contains Vitamin C, which increase Immunity and keeps diseases Away, increase insulin to relief in Type 2 Diabetes, removes Hypertension, Lose Weight, and Cure Insomnia. Not just this, the soluble fibre of this tea decreases the growth of Colon Cancer Cells, Detox Intestine and Glows skin. So drink this tea daily to get its benefits.

Other Uses of Onion :
First Use : Boost Memory Power
Mix 1tsp Onion Juice, 1tsp Ginger Juice and 1tsp Deshi Ghee, consume it twice a day. This mixture increases memory and brain power.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW These Uses of Carrot Makes You A Real Man ... 
Some Surprising Benefits of Onion and Onion Tea
Some Surprising Benefits of Onion and Onion Tea

Second Use : Treat Jaundice
Jaundice patient has to take 3tsp of Onion juice and then add 2tsp of Honey in to prepare a mixture. Take this mixture with empty stomach. This improves Immunity, gives power to fight with Diseases and treat jaundice too.

Third Use : Cure More Urine
More urine problems is a symptom of Weak Kidney and to boost kidney power take 50g onion Pieces and boil it in water for 10 minutes. Now add honey in it and divide in three doses. Take each dose thrice a day to Remove More urine Problem.

Other Remedy :
-    Onion increases insulin so, to control diabetes eat some onion with you meal.

-    Pyorrhoea patient has to bake 1 piece of onion on stove and put it under teeth. If makes Saliva. So move this saliva around your mouth and then spit, do this 4-5 times a day. 

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