For Better Sleep and to Cure Insomnia or Sleeplessness Use Domestic Sleeping Aids

For Better Sleep and to Cure Insomnia or Sleeplessness Use Domestic Sleeping Aids
Friends, Stress, Energy Drink, Technology and unhealthy diet contribute to sleeplessness or insomnia. Sleeplessness makes you feel heavy head, loss of interest in work and yawning. To avoid these problems many of us resort to sleeping pills, but these pills has many side effects, that’s why today we are here with some sleeping aids that gives you better sleep and cures insomnia. So, let’s start.

Sleeping Aids to Cure Insomnia :
Honey and Milk
Honey and milk controls the flow of insulin, which secrets the right amount of tryptophan in the brain. This tryptophan turns into serotonin and serotonin into melatonin, that melatonin reaches to mind and makes you feel relax and tension free. So, take a glass of milk and add 1tsp of honey in it, drink it before your bed daily to avoid insomnia.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Some Amazing Benefits of Fennel Seeds ...
For Better Sleep and to Cure Insomnia or Sleeplessness Use Domestic Sleeping Aids
For Better Sleep and to Cure Insomnia or Sleeplessness Use Domestic Sleeping Aids

Linseed and Coconut Oil
Linseed is a rich source of omega-3 Fatty Acid, Protein, Fibre, Vitamin B, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc and Selenium. Everyone calls linseed a feel good food means it makes you happy that’s why linseed is good in insomnia. So, take ½ tsp of Linseed powder and mix ½ tsp of Coconut oil in it. Prepare a paste and then apply it on your closed eye lashes. Rest for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off.

Brown Sugar and Honey
Brown Sugar and Honey both controls body hormone, helps in digestion and makes body cells feel relax. So, mix 1tsp of Brown Sugar and 1tsp of Himalayan Sea Salt in a bowl, and then add 2tsp of Honey in it. Consume 1tsp of this mixture daily before bed. It gives you good sleep instantly and the regular use of this mixture treat insomnia also. 

So Friends, these are the sleeping aids to get you better sleep and to avoid sleeplessness or insomnia.

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