Proven Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads or Comedones Fast, using Kitchen Product

Proven Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads or Comedones Fast, using Kitchen Product
Today we are here with 3 proven Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads or Comedones Fast , using Kitchen Product.

Friends, the ugly black bumps around the nose, cheeks, shoulders and forehead are actually a skin disorder that commonly occurs during puberty, but sometime adults too also be affected by it. The main causes of Comedones or Blackheads are unhealthy diet, excess use of cosmetic products, stress, improper skin care and hormonal imbalance. These Bumps appear dark because of oxidation and this occurs when a clogged pore is exposed to environment. If you left them untreated then it may cause acne breakout too, that’s why we bring you some simple home remedies to get rid of these blackheads at home. So, let’s start.

Cinnamon :
Antibacterial and Antiviral properties of cinnamon works really well to remove blackheads, whiteheads and acne. Actually cinnamon improves blood circulation, tightens pores, delay aging and reduces the chances of skin problem.

What You Need
-          1 tsp Cinnamon Powder
-          1tsp Lemon Juice

Process :
Prepare a paste by mixing 1tsp of cinnamon powder and 1tsp of Lemon Juice, then apply this paste to your blackheads on neck, cheek, shoulder or other part where you have blackheads. Leave it to dry for 20 minutes and then rinse. Follow this Solution thrice a week, this paste is best suited for oily, normal and combination skin. CLICK HERE TO KNOW How to Look Young and Beautiful Even in Old Ages with Amazing and Easy Face Yoga ... 
Proven Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads or Comedones Fast, using Kitchen Product
Proven Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads or Comedones Fast, using Kitchen Product

Honey :
Like Cinnamon honey too has many antibacterial properties and it has been used in Aayurveda since centuries. It is an excellent exfoliator, brightens skin color and treats blackheads too.
What You Need
-          1tsp Honey
-          1tsp Lemon Juice
-          1tsp Sugar Candy Powder
Process :
Take a bowl and mix all the ingredients in mentioned quantity and prepare a scrub, then gently use it on your skin and leave for 15 minutes to dry. Then rinse with warm water, you can use this scrub daily.
Lemon :
One of the effective paste to get rid of blackheads is combo of Yogurt and Lemon Juice. It is because lemon purifies skin, tightens skin pores and lightens skin, where yogurt is a natural moisturizer that never let the skin dry. In this combo you can add salt too which acts as a great skin exfoliator.
What You Need
-          1tsp Lemon Juice
-          1tsp Yogurt
-          ½ tsp Epsom Salt
Process :
Add 1tsp of Lemon Juice in 1tsp of Yogurt and mix them well, and then add ½ tsp of salt in it to prepare your blackheads removal paste. Apply it on your face and leave for 10 minutes. Wash it off after 10 minutes with normal water. This paste is best suited for all types of skin and you day use this every alternate day.
So, Friends, if you too have these ugly black bumps around the nose, cheeks, shoulders or forehead, then follow these home remedies to get rid of them.

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