Eliminate Bad Breath or Halitosis using These Solutions

Eliminate Bad Breath or Halitosis using These Solutions
Friends, to control bad breath it is essential to maintain a good oral health and this includes tooth brushing, tongue scraping and flossing regularly. However, the main cause of bad breath or halitosis is that bacteria which build up on the back of our tongue or between teeth. Bad breath is really embarrassing and that can take a toll on your confidence level. The other reasons of bad breath are eating odorous foods, smoking, dry mouth, gun diseases or sinus conditions. The best way to eliminate bad breath and to keep teeth fresh is drinking adequate amount of water throughout the day. Along with water, your kitchen cupboard can also help you to treat bad breath. So let’s start.

Solutions  to Eliminate Bad Breath :
Fennel contains antimicrobial properties that fights with bacteria and removes them, that’s why fennel acts as an excellent mouth freshener. To use fennel we need to prepare fennel tea. So, steep 1-2 tsp of fennel seed in a cup of hot water for 5 to 10 minutes and then drink it.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Very Useful Mint Leaves ...
Eliminate Bad Breath or Halitosis using These Solutions
Eliminate Bad Breath or Halitosis using These Solutions

Cloves have many antibacterial and antiviral properties that are very helpful to get rid of bad breath. The best and easiest way to use clove is to chew 1-2 cloves thoroughly for few minutes.

Baking Soda
Baking Soda is also known as bicarbonate of soda and it is a great solution to prevent bad breath. Actually Baking Soda balances the level of acid and fights with oral bacteria. So, mix ½ tsp of Baking Soda 1 glass of warm water and then rinse with it. Follow this solution until you satisfy with result.

So, Friends, these are the easiest solutions to eliminate bad breath, so use them.

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