Homemade Facial Bleach to Get Brighter Tighter and Fairer Skin

Homemade Facial Bleach to Get Brighter, Tighter and Fairer Skin
Friends, the first thing you must know about bleaching is that why you need to Bleach? Actually bleach removes sun tan instantly, makes you look fairer and changes the color of facial hair to your skin tone to make you look attractive and glowing. Friends, There are lots of facial bleaches are available in the market but sometime they left their side effect on face and make you look ugly. That’s why today we will show you that how you can prepare homemade facial bleach using kitchen materials.

1st Bleach
Take a pinch of Turmeric in a bowl and then add 1tsp of honey in it. Mix them well and then apply it on your face, wash it after 10 minutes. Friends, honey helps to bleach skin and acts as a great moisturizing agent also. The antibacterial, antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties of both honey and turmeric remove spots, acne, scars and keep you young. This is one of the effective facial bleach which gives instant result. So, use this bleach twice a week. CLICK HERE TO KNOW World's Best Fairness Scrub using Rice Flour ...
Homemade Facial Bleach to Get Brighter Tighter and Fairer Skin
Homemade Facial Bleach to Get Brighter Tighter and Fairer Skin

2nd Bleach
Mix 2tsp of Lemon Juice and 1tsp of Rose water well. Apply it on your face using cotton, let it dry completely and then wash it off. Lemon contains acidic property that makes lemon a natural bleaching agent for skin, with that it is rich in Vitamin C, which encourages new skin cells to grow. Rosewater provides moisturizer to skin; this bleach is very beneficial for Oily skin because it calms the over production of oil glands. It can also decrease the appearance of fine lines. 

So Friends, if you want brighter, tighter and fair skin then use these homemade natural bleaches regularly.

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