Mobile Internet Network Active Testing Simulation Passive Analysis

Mobile Internet Network Active Testing Simulation Passive Analysis

The requirement for strong solutions for mobile network testing. Newly testing standard like emerge, bandwidth demand rise, more application should be supportable and more user demand more best quality. Rigorous testing should be completed not only on the elements of network inside the lab, but also at the each stage of the life-cycle of network and right through the live networks.
Network service provider and Network equipment manufacturer require the verification adherence to the functionality, specs, capacity, interoperability, quality of service and quality of experiences.

Active Testing – Simulation:

Mobile Internet Network Active Testing Simulation Passive Analysis
Mobile Internet Network Active Testing
Before developing the network of mobile, So then the functionality of individual network element must be verified in the lab. Network Simulator full fill such requirement as an active type testing tool, the imitating segment of the network. Simulator can help to ensure the network can handle the load traffic above and beyond the limits or specs, and those also enable the regression testing as the element are develop. Such simulation should be completed not only under the network of mobile access like LTE but CS core also, PS core and the IMS / VolP network, Where in the addition to the functionality and the capacity of load, security for such device should also be test rigorously.

Passive Testing – Analysis:

Passive testing includes the capture and analysis for traffic from multiple interface of so many mobiles networks element. NEM and NSP test Engineers Team require a straight forward clear view for the status of traffic between such these element in order to find and fix the errors of network very fast. Protocol Analyzer give signal and the user plane analysis application, which accept the captured record, and analyze it and give clear graphical presentation of available traffic. This will help NSPs and NEMs to save the time of testing and activates them to provide the best quality for the services of their final end consumers.

Mobile Automation Tool Provider Companies gives all types of tools whatever we require to ensure the integrity of our network of mobile, from the lab to the live network.

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