Is Formatting Really Ruins System Life

Friends, sometimes some viruses and malwares attack our smartphone, memory card, pen drive, tablet or computer hard disk or so much data stored in these drives slows down the speed and workability of device. In this situation you also had formatted your device. But there are many misconceptions about formatting in peoples and today we are going to talk about them and try to remove them. But let us first know what Formatting is?  CLICK HERE TO KNOW How Cryptojacking Uses Your Mobile and Computer Battery ...
Is Formatting Really Ruins System Life
Is Formatting Really Ruins System Life
What is Formatting? :
Formatting means cleaning or removing the things to make a device empty, like if you want to write something on a page then you will like to use an empty and clean page. The same thing is with Formatting, which empties all your hard drives, smartphone memory, pen drives or tables and make them clean completely, so that you can write whatever you want on it again and in good manner. Actually formatting cleans your system completely and makes it brand new, which you can use from the beginning again.

Myths Related to Formatting :
1.       Whole Data Deleted : The first and the biggest myth about formatting is that it deletes the entire data from storage drives. But this is wrong. Yes, whether you are formatting your phone, computer or pen drive, the data store in that drive remains at the same place even after formatting. This is because formatting just deletes the indexing, not data.

Indexing means the path which tells us in which drive or folder the data is saved. Formatting removes this indexing, but the whole data remain on its place until you overwrite it means you store another data in place of previous data.

2.       Formatting Ends the Life of Device or System : Second Misconception about formatting in people is that it ends the life of device means if you format you device or hard disk again and again then you device will destroy soon that’s why don’t format your drives again and again. But this myth is also wrong because you an format you system, pen drive, memory card or hard disk as many time you want, formatting never affects it’s health.
What is Formatting
What is Formatting
This depends on your requirement that you want to format your system or not, it doesn’t ruin your device’s life. But yes, it will be good for you to use formatting as the last option because after formatting you will have to download all the data again or if you format phone then you will have to reinstall all the applications and software also and manage all the settings too. If you have so much of time then you can format your device even 10 times a day, there will be no problem.

How to Recover Data after Formatting :
After formatting, till you do not overwrite ( or store ) your drives or device, the previous stored data on your systems remains on its location and you can recover that easily. For this you don’t need to apply rocket science that’s why if you ever format your system accidentally and want your data back then you can use any recovery tool and get back your data.

While if you want to delete your data completely then for this you need to use some deleting tools or you can use apps also. You should do this while you sell your system or phone to someone else, After this no one can recover your data.

When Should We Do Formatting :
When you feel that you have downloaded so much of data or installed many apps and now, even you do not understand what is going on in your system then you should format your device.

Or if your device is not working properly, you are not able to read or write data in your device then also you can format your system or device.

Apart from this, formation of bad sectors, viruses or malware destroys your system, then it will be good to format your system in such situations.

This will keep all the bad factors away from your system and you will get a new, fresh and clean system, where you can start your work again. Yes, your data will be deleted. So now you also know what formatting is and how it works. Actually the concept of formatting is very simple. That’s why don’t listen or believe any myth about formatting and whenever you want to format your system, format it without hesitation.
Myths About Formatting
Myths About Formatting

Formatting, What is Formatting, Myths About Formatting, How to Recover Data After Formatting, When Should We Do Formatting, Is Formatting is Bad for Systems Health, Misconceptions About Formatting

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