The King of Fruits and Hearts Ever Yummy Delicious Mango

The most popular fruit in all over the world is Mango and that why we calls it The King of Fruits. It has two tastes sweet and sour, people loves both of the taste. You can find mango tree in every country, state, garden or both sides of road as well. Its leaves gives grace and keeps environment pollution free, not just this if you rest under this tree you will feel relax and full of energy. Mango tree has is importance in Aayurveda also because Aayurveda uses its every part for their medicine means its root, leaves, stem, flower, fruit or kernel also. This shows that mango is very useful and beneficial for us; today we will discuss some of those benefits with you. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Super Food Red Pomegranate Benefits and Advantages for Health ... 
The King of Fruits and Hearts Every Yummy Delicious Mango
The King of Fruits and Hearts Every Yummy Delicious Mango
Benefits of Eating Mango :
·         Removes Weakness : There are many such peoples who eats heavy daily but still they feels weak and unhealthy. For those people it is advice to drink 1 glass of mango juice of daily, it will remove all the weakness and strengthens body.

·         Cure Dry Cough : Dry Cough is more dangerous than the simple cough, to cure this take 1 mango and toast it in hot ashes, after this eat tat mango before sleep. Next morning you will feel some relief, use this measure for 1 week, it will cure your dry cough completely.

·         Treats Insomnia : If anyone is suffering from insomnia then he or she must use mango with milk at night for at least 15 days, this is the simplest way to treat insomnia.

·         Increases Appetite : Some peoples looses their appetite with many reasons, those people have to make a mixture and for that first they need a glass of mango juice then add some rock salt and sugar in it. Mix it well and drink; this will definitely increase your appetite.

·         Treats Anemia : Prepare a mixture with 1 glass of milk, 1 cup mango juice and 1 teaspoon honey. Now drink it in morning and evening daily. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Amazing Life Giving Profits and Uses of Our Green Sweet Friend Guava Amritfal ... 
Benefits of Tasty Mango in Diseases
Benefits of Tasty Mango in Diseases
·         Good for Teeth and Gums : Take out the seed from mango kernel, then grind it. Use this powder as toothpaste, it will cure your toothache and gum problems.

·         Stops Nose Bleeding : Peoples who have nose bleeding problem, need to collect juice of mango kernel’s seed in a glass or bowl. Then use 1 drop in nose, it will stop nose bleeding.

·         On Burn : Make ash from mango leaves and then apply on the burnt part, it will soon relieve your pain.

·         Burning Hands and Legs : While in burning hands and legs, you should rub mango flowers on the affected areas of your body.

·         Good in Fever : Make sauce from mango and eat it twice a day, it is beneficial for heat stock patients, baldness, constipation, diarrhea, dandruff, weakness and fever as well.

Reasons Why We Need a Mango Every Day
Reasons Why We Need a Mango Every Day

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