The Complete Procedure of Pressure Vibrating Bath under Water

Pressure Bath
Like hot cold hip bath, leg bath or spin bath there is one more bath which is very useful to stay fit and fine and that is pressure bath under water. On seeing you will find it as a normal tub bath but actually pressure bath is different because as you enter in tub the water starts vibrating and that helps in removing diseases from your body.

The tub used in bath is also different from normal bath tub because one side of this tub is connected to a pressure machine which makes water vibrate, while the other side of tube is connected to a jet spray pipe which adds the force and pressure of water over your body. That’s why people feel heavy during this water. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Process and Benefits of Hot Cold Hip Bath Steam Bath and Hot Leg Bath ... 
The Complete Process of Pressure Vibrating Bath under Water
The Complete Process of Pressure Vibrating Bath under Water
Process of Pressure Water Bath :
-          Step 1 : First fill your tub with cold water.

-          Step 2 : Now turn on the pressure machine and let the water vibrate.

-          Step 3 : After this turn on jet spray pipe as well to add more pressure with vibration.

-          Step 4 : This is your turn to go into water, but before entering the tub drink a glass of cold water and make yourself comfortable.

-          Step 5 : As you enters  in the tub, feel relaxed, remember don’t soak your  head in water.

-          Step 6 : Enjoy the bath for half an hour and when your start feeling uncomfortable or cold, come out of the tub immediately.

Benefits of Bath :
·         Cures all Diseases and Pain : The Pressure added by jet spray and pressure machine is important because the pressure generated by them is the actual purpose for this bath it cures all the diseases and body pain. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Step by Step Procedure of Taking Sun Bath ... 
Bath with Vibrating Water
Bath with Vibrating Water
·         Makes Body work Properly : After this bath all the functions of your body work properly.

·         Strengthen Muscles : It gives power and strength to our muscles.

·         Removes Heat from Body : After this bath all the extra heat of the body comes out and you feel cool and relaxed both by body and brain.

·         Good For Body System : It is very good for nervous system and digestive system.

·         Treats Joint Pain : It treats the arthritis and cures bones diseases as well. 
How to Take Vibrating Water Pressure Bath in Tub
How to Take Vibrating Water Pressure Bath in Tub

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